Pastoral counseling research paper

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Religion

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Crabb (2014) explains that biblical counseling is a process that enables people to have the freedom to serve and worship God by giving them the ability to become more like the God they worship. It is also believed that the process of maturity involves having psychological and spiritual abilities that enhance an individual’s character and obedience to grow (Crabb, 2014).   The Place of Pastoral Counseling in Pastoral Ministry in General Pastoral counseling can change the lives of individuals in a variety of ways. The general process of pastoral counseling is not the same as other professional counseling processes with a therapist. The session of pastoral counseling generally put more focus on the principles of the bible. The basic importance is that individuals’ lives are changed in a variety of ways, depending on their beliefs.

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Pastoral ministry enables society to behave in a certain way to shape things accordingly. For example, Crabb states that “to help a person, one must behave more responsible. ” It, therefore, means that the pastoral ministry has a high level of effect on the behaviors of believers in society. The different levels of counseling that take place in the process of pastoral counseling enable individuals to shape their lives according to the scriptures. In essence, different dimensions define the whole process of pastoral guidance in different societies in the world.   The Place of Pastoral Counseling in Local Church Life The local churches have become the natural home for pastoral counseling. The pastoral counseling ministry has found its perfect place for expansion and growth at the local church ministry.

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Pastoral counseling thrives at local churches due to a variety of factors. In essence, different pastoral counselors find it easy to influence the local groups of people towards biblical beliefs. In this context, individuals experience the real-time benefits of pastoral guidance. Crabb (2014) has the view that many local churches have become “self-help club. ” He has a different view on how the church should offer guidance and help to its believers. He has the opinion that the believers' help should come from God and that it is not correct to believe that help comes from the pastor. Most local believers may have the idea that help comes from their pastor. This is one of the main reasons why pastoral counseling has been adopted among many communities.

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The process creates a scenario where different people gather and fellowship together, intending to make each other’ lives better. The process of corporate worship is also enhanced through pastoral counseling. The fullest expression of people’s faith takes place through communion with other individuals in the church. The scriptures promote the process of gathering to come up with healthy relationships. The process of pastoral guidance provides help for issues that the congregants may think are complex in their lives. Issues of marriage and work pose a great challenge when it comes to how to solve and deal with it (Dayringer, 2012). The situation, therefore, enables pastors to have the ability to relate different cases together and give a clear direction. Most congregants, therefore, understand that everyone normally faces problems, and the process creates a unified approach that enables believers to come together and solve issues as a family.

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  The Place of Pastoral Counseling in Building Healthy Marriages and Families Marriage and family responsibilities pose a great deal of pressure among different individuals in society. Through the process, it would be easier for different families and marriages to operate with the guidance of pastoral counseling. The necessary significance and security are provided by righteousness in words from the scriptures (Crabb, 2014). The human personality, therefore, can maintain a holistic perspective if well guided and counseled. Different family issues are solved through effective pastoral guidance directed by the scriptures.   The Danger of a Lack of Pastoral Counseling preparation in Pastoral Ministry Counseling is not an easy process regarding pastoral work. He goes on to describe how informative, helpful, and insightful the bible is in explaining different aspects of counseling.

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