Patient outcome and Watsons Theory of Care

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Computer Science

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Ideally, the Watson’s Theory of Caring argues that caring is a central component of nursing profession and everyone choosing to work as a nurse does so because of the need to extend care. Watson in her theory further argue that science of caring adopts an inquiry that is reflective, subjective, interpretative, and objective-empirical. For this reason, I find it necessary to incorporate the theory of caring while analysis the patient outcome concept. Patient outcome is a common term and has gained more usage in the healthcare research field. Several researchers have undertaken studies on patient outcomes but several of them have not come up with clear understanding and definition of the term (Lake, Germack, and Viscardi, 2016). define outcome as the consequences of administered healthcare service to patients. This therefore narrows down the definition in the nursing sector as the actual result or consequence of health care service.

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This means that patient outcome is the ultimate change in patient’s behavior or health condition after defined medical care. According to Lake, Germack, and Viscardi, (2016), the outcome that surround clinical practices are any noticeable or measurable change resulting immediately after a medical intervention. Patient outcome is common among health care providers such as nurses and doctors, and normally each of these providers has set outcome measures that emphasize on standards of the discipline (Lake, Germack, and Viscardi, 2016). Patient overall satisfaction The ability to express satisfaction in nursing is a typical way to acknowledge the success of medical intervention process. Patient satisfaction can come under categories which include: nurse care, pain management, and clinical education. When patient’s express satisfaction in these three key areas then nursing care intervention is termed a success (Porter, Larsson, and Lee, 2016).

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Patients express satisfaction in nursing care if content and feel that pain has drastically diminished. More so, patient’s express satisfaction when education session proves significant in enhancing their quality of life. Cases description An example of case description in given below: Mr. X. a black American with diabetes and hypertension has been admitted to hospital. hours before admission she felt intensive pain at the precordial region. According to him the pain lasted for about 15 to 20 minutes. The nurses further made it easy for the patient to recover fully by: making the ward quit, massaged him, used bedrails to prevent falls, watched on his blood pressure, payed close attention on electro-cardiogram, and monitored his diet. The patient was discharged 14 days later. However, before she left she was evaluated in three key areas: functional state, pain management and patient satisfaction.

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The results showed that the patient had no pain, had no medical errors, no infections, and no ulcers. In essence, the model shows that the nurses were able to understand the concept of patient outcome from all angles. “can you be able to take care of yourself?” ii. “Do you feel that you participate in any kind of recreational activity to work tomorrow?” b. Patient safety i. The existence of medical accidents in patients ii. Patients accidental fall in hallway or shower tub iii. Therefore, this paper gives nurses the capacity to adopt the Watson theory of care and focus on the three key areas of patient’s outcome in order to promote healthcare quality and wellbeing. References Donovan, J. L. Hamdy, F. C. Hautz, W. E. Feufel, M. A. Spies, C.

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Jette, D. U. Halbert, J. Iverson, C. Miceli, E. BMJ Qual Saf, 25(7), 535-543. Liu, Y. Avant, K. C. Aungsuroch, Y. Standardizing patient outcomes measurement. New England Journal of Medicine, 374(6), 504-506.

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