Personal health goal

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Health Care

Document 1

Over the years I have developed habits that affect my health both positively and negatively. I always try to hydrate and take balanced diet. Such behavior helps in improving my health. However, I am a pastry chef by profession and that exposes me to high amounts of starch and sugar, which significantly contributes to increased weight. Significantly, the gaining of weight has been triggered by some of my eating habits. I taking gym sessions have no positive impact since I have still been taking alcohol which is very impactful to achieving my healthy living goals. Therefore, my goals will also entail reducing such negative practices to live a healthy lifestyle. As mentioned earlier, getting committed to the gym and losing weight is important to me because I would like to fit perfectly into my wedding dress.

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In addition, achieving healthy weight will help in reducing potentially serious health problems like obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes just to mention a few, (Bluearth Foundation, 2015). I believe that this goal will help in reducing any chances of back pain as well as osteoarthritis. Losing weight will significantly reduce my chances of getting any complications since I will have reduced chances of being depressed or psychologically related conditions, (Lasikiewicz, 2014). Therefore, I believe that it is important to achieve this goal because apart from fitting perfectly into my wedding dress intend to make working out part of my lifestyle so I can live healthily. Part 2- Check-in Losing 10 Kgs is no joke. So far, I have managed to lose only 2kgs.

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Obviously, I am in the process of achieving my goal, however, it is evident that the process is not as fast as I expected it to be. Sometimes I end up resorting to the unhealthy meals that are easily accessible. Such inconsistency in meal planning has led to a lack of progress in this weight loss journey. Healthy meal planning requires consistency which has been a challenge to me, (National Health Service, 2018). Taking time and getting into the kitchen to have a healthy meal prepared has been limited to my time. In most cases, I come home already exhausted from my work, at this point, I always resort in ordering fast food from the nearby fast foods’ delivery shops and restaurants.

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In such a case, there would be no room for excuses. The diary will aid as a constant reminder that I have to focus on healthy living and work towards achieving my goal. In line with lack of motivation, it is important to get a workout buddy because this will help in becoming accountable to someone. In this case, becoming accountable to someone will become enough motivation to keep sticking to the set plan. In addition, a lack of motivation may also be managed by taking part in fun activities. Significantly, the achieving process triggered various stimuli along the way. I had to develop various strategies in order to focus on my goal of loosing the 10kg and sticking to specific outlines program.

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However, deliberating on specific program has made it possible for me to achieve the plan that I had laid before in order to achieve the goal of losing weight. The first and most important lesson that I learned the hard way was patience. I learned to accept that everything cannot all be achieved in one day. It is evidently determined that healthy living include having enough meals in a day. However, it is significant for one to have a minimum of three meals a day, this ensures that one has enough energy to carry on the day to day activities. The body need nutrients for specific activities such as metabolism and blood circulation to take place. Limited supply of food or rather nutrients has a negative impact to making sure one leads a healthy lifestyle.

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