Personal System of Management

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Sports

Document 1

Moreover, it will also aim at helping my athletes to be involved in an optimal learning experience and enable my athletes and me to feel right about the time spent on in the team. The following questions will help me to accomplish my mission 1. WHAT ARE YOUR PERSONAL “NEEDS” OR “LIKES” THAT YOU WILL NEED TO HAVE MET IN YOUR TEAM? a) I expect that my students will have self-control drive that will make the team do what is expected of them. Indeed, when team members have self-discipline, the results are always positive. Moreover, to achieve my central aim member's discipline will be a core factor in promoting success. Honesty among the members should be highly encouraged. WHAT ARE (5) GENERAL RULES THAT WILL BE IN EFFECT AT ALL TIMES TO ENSURE A POSITIVE AND HEALTHY LEARNING ENVIRONMENT FOR YOU AND YOUR ATHLETES? Rules always make the team more successful in achieving their goals.

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Our group mainly follow several rules, which include: • Every member is supposed to make sure that every morning one attends to the physical exercises (Bjornsen, & Dinkel, 2017). • Team members must always be with their sports kits during any physical exercises or tournament matches. • Communication skills among the members must always be positive, and everyone must be able to listen to each other and be able to address one another politely. b) One on one recognition is also a better skill towards successful training. Also, when one uses the personalised attention, the athletes are psyched up and can practice even more. Furthermore, one on one recognition enables positive ascendency to the athletes. When a coach starts recognising one athlete at a time, he/she is likely to win the athlete’s attention, and they will end up working hard to please the trainer for recognition purposes.

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WHAT ARE THE POSITIVE CONSEQUENCES THAT YOU WILL USE TO DRAW ATTENTION WHEN THE ENTIRE TEAM FOLLOWS THE RULES? a) Most teams always desire good role models to learn from them. The context of goals helps a particular group to promote trust, as they will be able to know each other well in accordance to the goals one has set. It will also ensure optimal learning experience, as the coach will point out on the goals set by each athlete and govern using them (Jaime, McCauley, Tancredi, Decker, Silverman, O’Connor, & Miller, 2018). b) Fear of dissatisfaction is one of the most excellent tools that may help in enhancing proper control and governance among the teammates. It may also assist in strengthening proper team spirit among the athletes. This is because all the athletes will strive towards achieving the best.

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c) I also promote a shared vision to all the members, which makes all the team members have one real drive to the primary mission of the team. WHAT ARE WAYS THAT YOU PLAN TO GET PARENTS ON YOUR SIDE TO HELP YOU COACH THEIR CHILD ON YOUR TEAM? a) Proper communication to the parents is an essential tool in winning their children to one’s side. When the appropriate connection is upheld, it helps in creating a good team spirit among members. b) When parents are involved in a team, it is likely to attract their children as most kids copy their parents do. c) Establishing special teams to offer guidance to the team members may also invite the parent participation to the team. Journal of Sport Behavior, 40(3). Jaime, M.

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C. D. McCauley, H. Prevention science, 1-10. Vargas, T. M. Beyer, R. Flores, M.

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