Port Security Research Paper

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Technology

Document 1

However, one part that has not been looked into as much is the port security. There are a lot of security threats at the ports and this should be looked into. The ports serve a lot of functions that are beneficial for both travel for leisure and transportation of goods. This means that the government is getting a lot of revenue from this source. It is important to ensure that any source of income such as the ports are very secure. This means that everything should be done to ensure that ports are up and running to the best ways possible. the government have a major role when it comes to this. That is why there are several official appointed to act in the managing capacities of such ports.

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The members of the public are also expected to ensure that the ports are safe for their movements in and out of the country. This is as far as seaports are concerned. This does not in any way mean that the government does not give enough funding. However, it could be as a result of lack of competence on the part of the management. Any blame that is port on port authorities is directly pointed at the federal government because cases of security of the ports are on them. Even though it may not be fully, the problem is still their responsibility. Another study shows that ports are not as insecure as they look. This is looked into because they are practices that are already in existence but with certain loopholes that this research tends to point out and eliminate through recommendations that guarantee safety.

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Some of the ways believed to be used to keep ports safe in the United States are not very effective (Gerencser, Weinberg & Vincent, 2015). Some are not working at all even after a lot of finances are put in to ensure that they are up and running. The few that are working are not performing as is expected. Some research has attributed this to the poor maintenance of the ports. However, this has so far not worked so well because ports still face threats every day. Threats may even include unforeseen financial issues. However, the most common threats are those of terrorism and such. This can be done using several ways including physical protection (Yeo, Pak & Yang, 2014). Ports have always been designed in this manner but failures cannot be avoided.

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This response should be as quick as possible and this is the part where most ports fail. Assault Recovery Ports are known to be very important economically and every second they are not operational; a lot of money is lost and this is not good for the economy (Little, Randell, Madter & Hickey, 2014). What this means is that it is of importance to ensure that after a port faces an assault, everything can be done as soon as possible to ensure that the port is back up to operations in order not to lose a lot of money. At the same time, a lot of cargo passes through these ports and they should be able to be recovered in case of any loses made.

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Methodology The process for this research methodology involved both qualitative and the quantitative approaches. The process did not, however, involve visiting the actual ports. Talking to some of the current workers of ports and retired ones through interviews provided the information required. Questionnaires were also issued to some of them and their responses analyzed properly. Analysis and Findings The data was analyzed to come up with my own findings. Previous findings were very clear. They feel that the ports could be the most vulnerable are for attack by terrorists. Even the cargo that passes through these ports is no longer safe. Findings also proved that nobody can be sure about the type of threats that may face our ports at this point in time.

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The reason is simple, people have lost confidence. There is a suspicion that those charged with the responsibility to manage the ports are not doing their best. Not everyone should be allowed to access every building or office in the port. If this is done, it will be easy to identify where problems arise in case of anything and prevention measures can be taken. • Interagency corporations: Several agencies should be put in place to ensure that ports are safe. This is to say that there are not enough agencies to ensure the safety of the ports in the country at the moment. Bringing several agencies together to form a block or unit concerned with port security would make our ports safer from threats.

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• Regular evaluations: Ports should be evaluated regularly. This should be done in terms of their performance and security aspects. If this is done, it will be easy to identify some of the unforeseen threat that is likely to affect the ports. This may require that a body is formed and charged with the responsibility of evaluation of ports. In conclusion, ports in the Us are not very safe and a lot has to be done to change this situation.  (Vol. 9, p. Flynn, S. E. Port security is still a house of cards. R. , Stephens, H. W. , & Rene vanDorp, J. A framework for sustainable port security. Washington, DC: U. S. Patent and Trademark Office. Little, H. A. S. Patent and Trademark Office.

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