Proposed police force research

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Law

Document 1

A proposed salary structure will similarly, be addressed as well as the different positions that can be held by civilian personnel who are not sworn. It is important to understand that a police department requires space and, therefore, the space needs will also be addressed. Addressing all the above-stated issues will help Besttown City become a better place to reside. Keywords: Response time, organizational structure, ranks, sworn, nonsworn, space. Introduction A police department is always necessary for an environment like a city set-up. This means that the police officers will be available at any time to issue the help sort after by the citizens of Besttown City during the day and at night. It is important to understand that a proposed budget that encompasses the salaries of the sworn police officers and the non-sworn staff will be of importance in backing the bid to make sure this proposal is implemented.

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Organization Structure An organizational structure is an orderly system that showcases the means by which activities are directed by rank from the topmost police officer, down the hierarchy of the chain of command (Cordner, 2016). Such a system is important for Besttown City because the activities conducted in a police department require some sort of decency and a sense of direction if the officers are to achieve their goals of securing the city and maintaining law and order. The proposed structure for this city is one that encompasses the hierarchy where the Chief Police is the senior most person from whom directives should be coming from. This is the leader that is required in Besttown City to make that he guides his team efficiently and effectively so that the complaints of the locals can be addressed.

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By virtue of being top in the chain of command, the chief police is a person who has a say on everything that takes place within the department. Everything has to be reported to the chief police and this is in line with the centralized organizational structure. The advantage of such a scenario is that it is very difficult for anything to go wrong because there is only one person who has the final say. The Captain The rank of a captain is equally significant in this organizational structure in the sense that he or she is assigned geographic areas, which he or she will make they are safe and the rule of law is upheld. This means that in the absence of the captain, the lieutenant can take charge at least for the time being until the captain is back on sight.

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The lieutenant will ensure that sufficient deployment of patrol and the crime detectives at scenes of crimes, in the geographic locations he or she is assigned. Some of the administrative functions of the lieutenant include supervising all the daily reports like those of the crimes committed and making sure that the subordinates are trained on time (Βayley, 2017). The Operations Commander The operation commander is a very vital position in this structure because of the duties of the bearer of this post does. An operations commander is assigned the services and patrol divisions, which he or she has to oversee on a daily basis. The main purpose of these employees is to handle issues facilitating the training police officer by ensuring everything that is required is available, handling the medical sector of the police department, handling administrative tasks like preparing reports, and so on.

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This police department does not require many of these because Besttown is only a city. It is important to understand that the civilian non-sworn staff will be distributed across all divisions to ensure that all the activities that need to be done that do not involve sworn officers are carried out by these staff members. The Salary Structure and Estimated Budget The organizational structure of this proposed police department does not entail a lot of senior officers and this means that there are fewer people to walk home with huge amounts of wages owing to their ranks. A simple salary structure can work for Besttown City police department. It is vital understanding space is equally needed for training purposes of new incoming sworn in police officers. This is important because having to book places for training can be very expensive for this police department considering it is just getting started.

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The police officers, as well as the non-sworn civilian staff, will often require some space to hold meetings and discuss on how to run activities while also keeping tabs on what they agree on from time to time. Such meetings require enough space so that a bigger building can be put up and if renting one is convenient then it has to be spacious enough to accommodate the people around. The number of sworn officers will be one hundred and fifty people with three patrol districts. It is vital understanding that space is very critical when putting up a police department. References Βayley, D. The Police and Political Development in Europe. In Theories and Origins of the Modern Police (pp. Routledge. Department of Justice. Office of Community Oriented Policing Services. Cordner, G.

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W.  Police administration.  The new world of police accountability. Sage Publications. Appendices Appendix 1 The diagram above shows a proposed organizational structure of the police department that is to be set up in Besttown City. It is a simple one with less ranks to avoid complications and this will go a long way in enhancing service delivery to the citizens. Appendix 2 Rank Salary Per Year The Chief Police $ 78,000 Captain $72,000 Lieutenant $ 66,000 Operations Commander $ 60,000 Administrative Commander $ 60,000 Other sworn officers (145) $ 50,220 (Each) Totals for all ($ 7,281,900) The Civilian Non-Sworn Staff (30) $ 36,000 (Each) Totals for all ($ 1,080,000) Totals $ 8,697,900 Total Annual Budget $ 18,697,900 The diagram above indicates the proposed salary structure for the police department to be set up in Besttown City.

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