Purpose of creating Coaching Program

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:English

Document 1

Therefore, this coaching program will examine the reason behind students’ current learning strategies and amend them to ensure that they are adequately prepared to learn and study their course material. First of all, teachers play an important role in implementing and teaching students new learning strategies and techniques. However, many teachers are not receiving sufficient information on how to use techniques and how to train students to use them. A study conducted by Dunlosky et al. (2013) revealed that five out of six surveyed educational-psychology textbooks used by professors did not cover learning techniques. They concluded that many students remain unaware that more active retrieval practices enhance the learning process and suggested that instructors inform students about the benefits of retrieval and self-testing.

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Using motivation theories in my program On the other hand, factors that can interfere with the academic success of students are their attitudes, perceptions towards making necessary changes, unwillingness to change or their failure to learn how and what to change (Dembo, 2004). Therefore, I will need to use an effective leadership style that will help students overcome their mental challenges that hinder their ability to learn and apply learning strategies in their academics. Besides the mindset that hinders their ability to succeed, students are having difficulty retaining, retrieving and applying concepts during tests and assignments. I would lead this program using the achievement-orientated leadership style from the path-goal leadership model. My feedback will be with the purpose of improving and giving mental strength to the strength.

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(Janse, 2018). Two factory theory will be another leadership theory will part of my program. It will help me identify dissatisfactions and satisfaction among the students. This theory will present an active part of the program because I will engage students to name certain factors which motivate and demotivate them in learning. Acquired needs will be another theory which I will cover in my program. I will personally request each student to identify the career he may choose if given that chance. Their answers will make me have a better understanding of how to teach them the theory. I will use achievement, affiliation and power to differentiate the answers from students. Those who will go for this career to achieve their longtime dream will be will be underachievers.

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In addition to using the achievement orient leadership style, I used the equity motivation theory. This encouraged students to put in effort into the class because their reward would be the same as their effort The two-factor theory had every student participate actively in class. I made every student mention his dissatisfaction and satisfaction in college. There was an almost unique answer from every student. The only common dissatisfaction was concerning a slow enrollment of virtual classes in colleges. I would also be flexible to support other students who were struggling in my class. I would have employed a coaching style of leadership in my first year in order to motivate myself to do things independently. I would also try to teach other students the subjects which I felt I was good enough to teach.

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