Speaking With a Purpose
Document Type:Coursework
Subject Area:English
Through communication, one gets to build confidence themselves and employers are able to employ them once they realize that they can capture the attention of the public in a meaningful way (Koch& Schmitt, 2). According to Arthur, communication is an astonishing progression. An excellent speaker has also to comprehend the complex procedure involved in speech (Koch & Schmitt, 2). The elements of speech which are the speaker, message, channel, and audience are very vital for a good speaker. Apart from the above components, it is important to understand and develop a good introduction together with clear concluding remarks in a speech for the audience to effectively acknowledge your speech. Remember that the audience has to be attentive for an effective delivery of the message. Diverse authors, agree on the purposes of an introduction in speech giving which are termed to be four of them.
The other purposes can be termed to be based on semantic reasons which therefore have a particular grouping. The second importance of an introduction is to ensure attaining attention in terms of the topic. Gaining attention varies with the circumstances depending on the audience to whom the message is being delivered. For one as a speaker, I have realized that there are different types of introductions. Koch states that a good introduction has to start with a rhetorical question, short story, a dreadful statement, quote or may be a kind of humor. Conclusions The other important idea have learned from Koch’s work is that just as the prologues help speakers get into speech process, the concluding remarks act as a switch out of the communication. They act as the finishing point for on as a speaker and they mark the end of the social agreement that the speaker had established with the audience.
In conclusions, there are rules that need to be observed in order to have a meaningful conclusion. It is a way of calling the audience into the action and also a way of persuasion. The other last type of ending remarks in speech giving according to Koch is returning to the scene. A good speaker will need to re-introduce the introductory part hence creating the beginning vision. This provides a chance to end the speech and therefore offering a sense of finalizing the communication process. Nightly News News broadcasting is a form of a communication process where the speaker is the news anchor while the audience is the person watching the television. The tone of the introduction part as used by Holt makes the audience more commitment to listening. Tonal variation just as Koch states in his work plays a key role in the introduction part of a speech (Koch, 41).
An introduction needs also a clear pronunciation of words where also the diction has a great significance. There was also need to ensure ethical compassing as airing the child would make her offended. Although the presenter had posted a preview statement asking a question related to the news would inculcate the audience in having a deep thinking about the issue. As this is a situation where most transgendered children there were need to call for an action towards protecting them. Clustering Technique As a speaker one needs to identify the main topic or in other words the theme of the communication process. It is therefore important to prepare the speech in advance to avoid losing focus and becoming irrelevant to the audience (Koch &Schmitt, 52). The first important section in speech preparation understands how to successfully select a topic.
It is therefore wise to start by identifying the venue in the period of information gathering. Specifically at the start of the process of speech preparation, one needs to explore a topic widely and develop a clustering diagram in the growth and development topic (Koch &Schmitt, 52). The main topic at this point would be growth and development which should be in the circle. Immediately after giving the topic, define it for the audience to understand what the topic is about. As a good speaker, I would start by defining human development which is a process that begins with infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. The supporting ideas to the human and development topic are therefore the subsections which are the infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. In tandem, in the communication process, in order to have meaning in the speech giving it is necessary to observe the above.
Works Cited Schmitt, Jason, and Arthur Koch. Speaking with a purpose. Routledge, 2017. Koch, Arthur.
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