Quality Assurance Management in Health Care

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Health Care

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This increases demand for health care services which attracts more people into this sector. The allied health sector has seen a great growth over the years. There are also more jobs being created each year. The growth has come with other effects such as an increase in costs of service provision and dilution of quality of health services being provided. It is obvious that most of the Americans do not get the value for their money when it comes to health services being provided. The public should be sensitized about their right to get quality health care. Giving information to the public on how to identify a qualified or a registered allied healthcare practitioner should be done. This can be through posters, websites, public and social media.

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There should be also a means of reporting poor healthcare services, or if one suspect the healthcare provider is not qualified (Berendes, 2011). The process should be simple for the public, and should also have provision for privacy if the reporter wants anonymity. They give a detailed and sophisticated outline of managing patients with a certain condition in each stage of patient care. The period of treatment and expected outcome is also well laid out. This will also improve continuity and coordination during patient care. There are pieces of evidence of this method working. In 2014, there was an impressive improvement in Xi’ and General Hospital in China (Yip & Hsiao, 2014). The policies also should encourage development and evaluation of new health technologies and practices.

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The government should support health insurance programs. For example, programs like Obamacare, are supposed to be fully supported so that everyone can get access to quality healthcare. Current findings show that an estimated 42 million people, which represent 16 % of the population do not have any form of health insurance coverage. I accordance with commonwealth health insurance survey, nearly a half of individuals who do not have health insurance cover, also do not have a regular doctor (Schoen et al, 2014). The United States may decide to import new equipment or technologies into the health sector (Vogenberg & Santilli, 2018). Another way is to improve health infrastructure. The government of the United States should build more health facilities, like hospitals and clinics, improve on health care equipment and laboratories.

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Conclusion The United States has the ability to manage the allied health sector to bring sanity and quality in the fast-growing sector. This management should be directed at improving safety and quality health care to its citizens. Barondess, S. , Heywood, P. , Oliver, S. , & Garner, P. Quality of private and public ambulatory health care in low and middle income countries: systematic review of comparative studies. Retrieved from https://quod. lib. umich. edu/m/mfr/4919087. 102?view=text;rgn=main Das, R.  Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs, 2010(40), 72-80. Healthcare Association of New York State [HANYS]. a changing, growing health care sector: Demand continues for more nurses and allied health care professionals. 2012 Nursing and Allied Health Care Professionals Workforce Survey Report. Retrieved from https://www.

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