Racism and Research Annotated Bibliography

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Health Care

Document 1

Lee, Lin Li, J. Fontain Morris, Rima Gluzman, Jenna L. Davis, Min Qi Wang, and Ralph V. Katz. Detailed knowledge of the Tuskegee syphilis study: who knows what? A framework for health promotion strategies. Kressin, S. Stephen Kegeles, Min Qi Wang, Sherman A. James, Stefanie L. Russell, Cristina Claudio, and Jan M. McCallum. Katz, Ralph V. Germain Jean-Charles, B. Lee Green, Nancy R. Kressin, Cristina Claudio, MinQi Wang, Stefanie L. Russell, and Jason Outlaw. The authors of this article have profound knowledge in the field of Biomedical studies and are also experienced professionals in the field of medicine. Resnik, David B. The Ethics of Research with Human Subjects: Protecting People, Advancing Science, Promoting Trust. Vol. Springer, 2018. A. in philosophy. Shamoo, A. E. Resnik, D. It was so helpful in my research as it helped me recognize the necessary precautions that should be taken when conducting research with human subjects.

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The authors of this article, Adil E. Shamoo and David B. Resnik, are both scholars in Biochemistry and Environmental Health Science respectively. Tuskegee Study - Presidential Apology - CDC - NCHHSTP. S. is no longer a united nation. According to Clinton, the school that was advancing the health of the African Americans would receive funding so that it can establish a center for bioethics in research and healthcare. This article proves that whatever happened in Tuskegee was unethical and the researchers did not follow the right morals. It makes it clear that the study conducted was racist. This has not yet been fully proved as it is only a few studies that have deeply explored the possibility. The authors in compiling the article carry out a survey among the Latinos and African Americans.

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The article brings up questions on how the Syphilis Study has played a role in the behavior of participation of African Americans in the HIV/AIDS tests and intervention efforts. The authors however claim the low levels of knowledge in HIV/AIDS and the impacts of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study have contributed to the increased participation in HIV/AIDS research. The article helped me realize the concern among the African Americans of being treated like guinea pigs in the carrying out of various human subject researches. According to the authors, the interviews raised issues on mistrust of scientists, doctors and the government. It further shows us the concerns they have on ethical conduct of the investigators and clinicians whenever a minority is involved. The authors conclude that the distrust of the medical community by the African Americans is the main barrier to participation in clinical research.

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This article was helpful to me as it opened up my mind that the attempts to inform the patients the benefits for taking part in the research would bear no fruits as they would misinterpret it. The authors of the article used a simple language that is understandable to any literate person. The article is relevant to students, scientists and the general public. World Medical Association. World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki. Ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 79, no.

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