Recruitment Process Essay

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Media

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Such a scenario is mostly applicable when there is the fluctuation in work volume is not a permanent situation where instead the best solution would be to hire part-time workers or offer overtime to the existing employees. The cost incurred through the recruitment process can be overwhelming for an organization; thus hiring new employees should only happen after careful consideration and when the company expects that there will be a long-term need for additional labor. After all the other alternatives of recruitment have been put into consideration and eliminated, that when the process of recruitment occurs. Recruitment entails the process followed to provide an organization with a pool of staff qualified for a specific job and is considered an important part of human resource management. Before the recruitment process, companies must implement the appropriate staffing plans to help in determining how many people need to be hired.

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It is important that the analysis of the job related skills be integrated with strategic evaluation of the human resource necessities to ensure that the company has the necessary skills required to handle various tasks with the human capital of the business (Lievens et al. Relatively, a job skill matrix has been recommended to evaluate the future prospective capabilities of job roles and to connect the outcomes to develop the opportunities for the future employee. The job matrix helps in listing the employee’s skills against those required by the organization either in a short or long term. After evaluating the job functions it is essential to come up with its description as well as a personal specification to assist those interested in the vacancy. Although these two documents are in most cases developed together, they are entirely different.

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Relatively, it may be the situation where the company is searching for a specific skill to expand the business, but no current worker possess such experience in which it is always advisable to conduct the recruitment process externally. But, recruiting externally can turn out to be more challenging than anticipated. Thus, it is essential that in the first instance the organization ensure that it has determined whether to use in-house procedures or use the external sources to conduct the recruitment process. External sources that can be used in the process of recruitment and selection include headhunters which assist in such processes. Such a decision is mostly founded on the discretion of a company or their financial statuses. Such is done to make sure that every candidate has a rational chance to the selection process as well as adhere to the recruitment rules and regulations.

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Recruitment Methods Interviews According to Guion, interviews are the most common used recruitment tools when it comes to determining which of the candidate is best for the job. The interview’s length or intensity depends on the job role on the table (2011). The assessment of the potential candidate is conducted against personal specification and the job functions. When senior job roles are recruited for, the organization members may conduct more than one interview. It is substantial the organization provides precise and comprehensive information at this early steps of recruitment and consider fairness and awareness during the procedure. Such is recommendable because of the person and description specification help in forming the job advertisement as well as serving as benchmarks to assess potential candidates and evaluate successful employers. Although the approach requires intensive resources, it is a worthwhile method to describe the job role and person specification (Phillips et al.

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It is necessary to assess all the potential individuals after the shortlist of the selected candidates’ is drawn, either from external or internal sources, in order to determine those who are suitable for selection to fit the job role. The organization can achieve the assessment through interviews, assessment centers or testing. Ideally, the process of recruiting and selecting employees is a cross-functional procedure that involves both the human resource and other functional heads department and is also connected with the organization’s strategic requirements based on their plans. It is imperative to maintain conduct a fair and transparent recruitment process while focusing on recruiting the best possible candidate suitable for the job role. References Armstrong, M. Taylor, S.  Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Wilton, N.  An introduction to human resource management.

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Sage. Phillips, S. and Gully, C.

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