Relationship Between Seizures and Depression
Document Type:Capstone Project
Subject Area:Nursing
Therefore, the adults with seizure disorders have high risks of developing depressions as compared to the other population without the seizure depressions. The patient problems can thus be discussed using the transition theory. An example of the problem in relation to the transition theory is the situation where an 88-year old adult is admitted to the Good Sam Hospital for having the altered mental status. The patient’s characteristics are that he normally lives alone and independently. When the patient was attended to, it was found that he had developed seizure, and his past medical checkup states that he had earlier developed depression. One of the situations is the transition in the patient. The patient was heard screaming the whole night, and when he was found, he had the blood on his face.
This shows that the patient was undergoing some illness processes. The facilitators and inhibitors regarding the patient problem were the neighbors and the EMS. The patient’s response was that he was developing a serious seizure followed by depression. This was a sign of the seizure because the adult was full of blood on his face. The nurses concluded that the patient had a serious brain illness that could cause him more depressions. Therefore, the patient problem can be described in relation to the competencies of the IOM/QSEN. The evidence-based practice was used to understand the patient problem and his symptoms. Moreover, the transition theory has been applied to the patient problem. One of the risks of the patients that may be caused by the seizure and depression is the balancing difficulties.
The patient cannot balance the health status and depression. The evidence-based practice that is characterized in this situation is that the patient will be prone to other illnesses. The past medical status of the patient shows that the patient had other serious illnesses. This could lead to depression and lack of proper management of his health. One of the nursing intervention is to determine the factors related to the patient and list them in the risk factors plan. This will help the clinical nurses to easily know where the problem is and the ways of solving them clinically. Another nursing intervention is to note the client’s age. The nurses should know whether the patient is an adult or youth. This will help the patients to know the type of medications appropriate for the client.
This will increase the depression and even more seizures. Therefore, the best approach is to be given company and be made happy. Another nursing intervention that need to be done is to maintain the patient with the appropriate drugs and care. This will improve the quality of the care and the safety of the patients. When the seizure illness persist, surgery should be done to the patient. This will make the patient living with seizures comfortable and contented with the nursing care. Besides the nurses turn up, the nurses should assess the pulse of the patients. This will tell whether the patient is healthy or he still need some medication and attention. This intervention will assist the patient to minimize the seizures and depressions and acquire the new health status. Another significant nursing intervention that need to be considered is that the nurses should teach the patients to independently do some of the first aids for themselves that include deep breath and coughing exercises.
There are some of the associated symptoms and problems for the patient living with depression and seizure. However, the research conducted encompassed the clinical problem related to the IOM/QSEN organizations. One of the clinical problem stated was the issues of the care of the patients living with the depressions and seizures. The evidence-based competency was the main practice that was characterized by the research. This was because the illness needed to be researched deeply in the Institute of Medicine and QSEN. According to the research, there are some of the risk factors that are associated with the patients having depressions that were caused by seizure illness. The article investigated the relationship between the seizure illness and the depression in some of the adults in a particular perspective. It elaborate that mood disorders in adults can cause serious illness that is associated with the brain.
Consequently, it can cause the seizure and finally depression. Therefore, the article plays a significant role in researching the clinical problem in relation to the IOM/QSEN using the evidence-based competency. Garcia discussed that depression in patients is caused by temporal lobe epilepsy that becomes the frequent disorder of epileptic. Therefore, the disease relates to the seizure and depression because of the same factors. However, he researched the clinical characteristics of depressions and how they can be approached in the clinical perspectives such as the IOM/QSEN. The capability of solving the clinical problems depend on the evidence-based practice, and the ideologies got from different institutions. This is also characterized by the theory of transition that the competencies that can enhance the well-being of the patient can be used. Therefore, the nursing implications regarding the practices of the nurses include the proper care of the patients living with depressive disorders and seizure.
This is the best nursing practice because it will maintain the patient and enhance his wellbeing in the nursing environment. Another best nursing practice for this issue is that identifying the actual patient problem and using the appropriate drugs for treatment. Every illness needs drugs, and so using drugs for the patient living with seizure and depression will be the best nursing practice for the identified problem. Besides using drugs as the best nursing practice for the issue, the nurses should provide the protective tools and materials that can prevent the adults from getting injured in the heads. Further research in the nursing perspective includes finding more information on the dangers of the seizures and depressions and the ways of avoiding them. Some of the nursing perspectives may not provide the full information, but the adults need to research them on social media and other internet sources.
Another auxiliary study in the nursing perspective is that observation should be used as an aspect. In other words, patients and the general population should observe what is going on in the nursing perspectives and the way the patients suffer. By so doing, the population will get motivated to take care of themselves and the whole family. P. High frequency of depressive symptoms among adults with epilepsy: Results from a Hospital-based Study. Journal of neurosciences in rural practice, 8(Suppl 1), S13. Peng, W. F. Arthur, A. Moore, M. Hippisley-Cox, J. Antidepressant use and risk of epilepsy and seizures in people aged 20 to 64 years: cohort study using a primary care database. BMC psychiatry, 15(1), 315.
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