Research Proposal on T2DM in Saudi Arabia

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Health Care

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of the population of the urban setting are diabetic compared to 19. in rural areas. The WHO ranked Saudi Arabia the 2nd highest in the Middle East and 7nth in the world with regard to diabetes with a population of over 7 million people living with diabetes (Robert et al. This is about increase in two decades and this has a toll on the national expense as diabetes consumes about 17 billion of 180 billion, the amount Saudi Arabian government injects in the healthcare budget. By the third quarter of the next two decades, it is estimated that the situation of diabetes will deteriorate as 50% of Saudi people will have T2DM. Given that the number of Saudis exhibiting prediabetes stands at about 25. and approximately 28. of the population is overweight, incidence is expected to rise to about 7.

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million people in the 20-79 age bracket by 2035(Alhabobi, 2016). The Saudi MoH is therefore expected to spend more on health care needs of diabetes, from approximately SAR17 in 2014 to about SAR27 in 2035; an obviously blotted national burden. The risk is more if the patient comes from a family that has a history of T2DM and this patient has had diabetes for a considerably prolonged period (A, Al M, & S, 2017). The disease is inherent in these patients and the response of the patient to interventional changes in diet and oral medications is greatly reduced. Patient Experience with Health care Early screening and diagnostics in PwD patients have to be carried out expeditiously. Diabetes mellitus associated complications may be managed and mortality rate lowered and reducing overall costs (Begum, 2016). Apart from medications being made accessible to all, early and correct diagnosis should be emphasized in order to correct manage the condition from the onset.

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These questionnaires are designed for both the health care stakeholders and the patients themselves with regard to accessibility of T2DM medical care in Saudi Arabia (Ricci-Cabello, Gonçalves, Rojas-García, & Valderas, 2014). • Structured interview questions both to the health care stakeholders and patients. • Grey literature from the public health care centers and other relevant organizations at different levels. Patient interviews aim to cover patient with regard to access, healthcare service comprehensiveness, continuity and co-ordination of PHC programs, accessibility both in terms of cost and proximity to services, trust issues, interpersonal social and communicational behavior and the impact of PHC to the patient (Ricci-Cabello, Gonçalves, Rojas-García, & Valderas, 2014). Communication will entail the relationship of health practitioner and patients’ mutual respect and the patients’ freedom of participating in decision making. Size of Sample The study sample recruited for the study is a total of 1082 individuals with T2DM (Alramadan et al.

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This number is considerably large enough to form a representative sample size for T2DM patients in a health center. Recruitment Patients will be recruited by systematic random-sampling where the daily number of PwD recruited is expected to be 10 from the total number of patients, say K, attending the diabetes center (Alramadan et al. Recruitment of patients will be undertaken for 6 months or at until the time when 1082 patients will be collected. Patients will be asked to consent (signing a form and having all their worries addressed) and be notified that the data they have is confidential. Risk Factors Associated with Diabetes Mellitus in a Saudi Community: A Cross-Sectional Study.  Primary Health Care Open Access, 07(02). doi:10. Alhabobi, D. Alsehli, D.  A. Almigbal, T.  H. Alhamrani, H.  A. Burant, Charles F.  Medical management of type 2 diabetes.

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Alexandria: American Diabetes Association. Gorska-Ciebiada, M. Ciebiada, M. d. Retrieved from https://cirt. gcu. edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/mixed_methods/overview Ricci-Cabello, I. Gonçalves, D. Al Hayek, A. Al Kahtany, N. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Saudi Arabia: Major Challenges and Possible Solutions.  Current Diabetes Reviews, 13(1), 59-64. doi:10.

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