Respiratory Disease Syndrome Research

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Health Care

Document 1

Risk Factors………………………………………………………………………………………5 Screening and Prevention………………………………………………………………………. Signs, Symptoms, and Complications……………………. ………………………7 Diagnosis…………………………………………………………………………………………. Treatment……………………………………………………………………. …………………9 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………. The insufficient surfactant molecules mainly cause the problem in the infant respiratory. The infections commonly occur in infants of thirty-seven weeks of gestation. Babies who are highly premature are most risky to getting the disease. Mothers with diabetic condition increase the risk of their babies developing the respiratory disease syndrome. This paper discusses the causes, process, impacts, diagnosis and the implication of the respiratory disease syndrome to the health sector. One among these factors is the premature delivery of the baby. According to the health statistics relating to the respiratory infections, there are more cases that infants who are born before twenty-eight weeks of pregnancy to have the respiratory disease infection. The earlier the baby is born, the higher the risk the baby will develop the above respiratory problem.

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Another key risk factor is the stress during the delivery of the baby. If the mother of the baby loses a lot of blood, she will be most likely experience stress which will put the baby at high risk of being unable to produce surfactant substance (Grissom 288). Balance diet is also required such that essential nutrients for the development of the baby will be availed to the blood of the mother. Nutrients which an expectant mother needs to take are those which can be used for the growth of the baby,s organs (Stark 533). Other significant steps for a healthy pregnancy is to avoid the use of tobacco smoke, alcohol or the use of any illegal drug which are not suitable for the body. In this case, the baby development which not be interested and will grow his or her organs just as it is required.

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His or her mother needs to be continually managing any medical condition that she has. In some cases, the infant will have a condition of apnea; this is where the infant pause is breathing for a few seconds (Bellani 796). Depending on how severe respiratory disease syndrome will portray itself in an infant, the infant can develop other medical complications which include lung complications, blindness, bowel disease and blood and blood vessel complication. Lung complication can occur in three ways which are collapsing of the lungs a condition known as atelectasis, leakages of airs from the lungs to the chest cavity a condition known as pneumothorax and the hemorrhages where there is bleeding or blood outflow from the lungs blood vessel. Additionally, in some cases, the live-saving treatment employed may result in a different breathing disorder which is called the bronchopulmonary dysplasia.

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An infant who has to develop respiratory disease syndrome can also develop sepsis, sepsis is an infection that occurs in the bloodstream and can take the life of the baby. In this case, the disease portrays itself, and the doctors begin to treat the baby having the disease as soon as they are born. In this process, the doctors will do several another test to examine whether there are other conditions which are causing the breathing problems to the infant. A test can also be used to determine the right diagnosis of the infant patient correctly. The doctors employ three types of analysis. These include chest x-ray, blood test, and the echocardiography test (Bellani 793). Most of the infants which the doctor have detected the signs or the symptoms of respiratory disease syndrome are transferred to neonatal intensive care unit such that he or she will receive better and quality treatment.

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At the unit, the infant can receive treatment around the clock from high professional doctors who have been specialized to treat the infants. There are several treatments which the infant was suffering from this disease can be given. The most important treatment are surfactant replacement therapy, breathing support, oxygen therapy and other supportive therapy. Oxygen therapy is administered when the infant experiences breathing problems. Conclusion Respiratory disease syndrome is a disease which is major described by the difficulties in breathing by the infants. It is a disease which was formally known as the hyaline membrane disease. It refers to a syndrome of the respiratory difficulty face by the newborns. The primary cause of the respiratory disease syndrome is the insufficient molecules of surfactant in the lungs of an infant. Surfactants refer to the liquid molecules that purposely provides for the coating of the inside part of the lungs.

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Doing this will allow her to ask question confidently and firmly believe in the health of the baby recovers. It will furthermore give confidence in participating in the care of the baby. Seeking support from friends, family, and relative will help to ease the situation. It will also be essential to consult on the necessary measures that are required when the mother lives the hospital. An example is how to care for the infant about leaving the hospital such that the infant will have good health care. Respiratory distress syndrome.  Clinics in perinatology 5. Stark, Ann R. Respiratory distress syndrome.  Pediatric Clinics of North America 33.

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