Risk Management Program for Medical Staff Safety

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Health Care

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They form the main part of the organization and are responsible for the daily operations; each specialized in their core functions (Handunge, 2012). The need for a risk management program is to ensure patient and the safety of the staff in addition to preventing loss to the organization. Risk management in healthcare facilities is monitored by bodies such as The American Society of Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM) who are preemptive in preventing and are reactive to the occurrences. The ultimate goal of risk management is to control and to protect the medical staff from the financial damages and liabilities resulting from the occurrence of the risks, additionally promoting the safety of the patients and the reputation of the organization as a whole.

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There is a need to create appropriate risk management programs that best suit the facility because of the many challenges facing the healthcare organizations. These departments follow the regulatory bodies that create the policies with steps to follow in cases of a risk occurrence. The steps include possible risks identification, the severity of the risk and chances of a recurrence, examination of the possible solutions and selection of the best solution, implementation, and review of the outcomes. Craig (2010). The major emphasis is to prepare for the risk before it actually happens rather than addressing the risk after the occurrence. In the healthcare facilities, errors can occur frequently that can result in serious harms. Key agencies and organizations that regulate the administration of safe health care: The American Society of Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM) plays an oversight role in ensuring the organizations comply with the set standards of risk management.

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It seeks to find out the risks and provide solutions to mitigate the occurrences of risk. Apart from ASHRM, there are other agencies that also help in matters of risk management. According to the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC 1996), The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) ensure health and safety for everyone in the workplace through research-based prevention programs. Another non-governmental organization is The Joint Commission that evaluates and approves many health care programs in the United States. One of the programs is the Medical care risk management program is to ensure that there is strict observance of the stipulated rules and the organization makes it mandatory for every medical staff to observe safety at all times.

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With safety comes first campaigns- all through the system, reeducate the employees about the importance of the program. To further strengthen the practice, the program should in the future, include possible legal penalties attached to every possible risk that may happen due to the ignorance and failure to follow instructions Dale et al. The proposed recommendations or changes to the selected risk management program are by instructing examples to enhance, improve, and to secure compliance standards. Risks surrounding the medical staff are numerous and dangerous in nature. Therefore, to prevent all that from happening, the medical staff care risk management program has to be in place to help with the risks. Key regulators such as The American Society for Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM) among others are also playing an oversight role to make the certain effects of the program in the healthcare facilities.

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