Role of Religion in Martin Luther Kings Jr Life

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Religion

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It explains to us why we came to existence, how we did, and where we shall go when we die. Since every individual has a spiritual side, religion being a philosophy of beliefs, aims at healing the spiritual side of an individual. Therefore, the importance of religion varies from individual to another and it could be only important to those who believe that spiritual needs exists and those who feel that they need emotional and moral guidance to live a better life, which can only be offered by religion. As a result, individuals will embrace religion differently, which means religion will play different roles in an individual’s life. Therefore, this paper will discuss the role religion played in Martin Luther King’s, Jr life for a better understanding of this concept.

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It is until when he joined Morehouse College that his suspicions settled. Under the guidance of the president and professors at the school he began to feel that religion could be emotionally, and intellectually satisfying. He learned to see the Bible figuratively, and from this, he discovered that the Bible has many deep truths that cannot be ignored. Having felt his calling truly, after graduating from class he went on to study theology which helped him gain a broad understanding of the Christian faith doctrine. He lived in America at a time when black people were being discriminated and still lived in poverty. People use prayer to ask for forgiveness, seek guidance and pray for peace just a few to mention.

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Jesus said that Christians must pray, individually and together with other people. In the Christian religion people go to church where the Bible is read, sacred worship and praise songs are sung and a sermon preached by a Minister of God (Cook, 2000). Christians believe in love and equality among human beings, and they believe that only God has power over human beings. This is the religion that Martin Luther was born into and was guided through it that he was morally guided. It is during this time that the US was experiencing rapid industrialization, he fought for better working conditions; pay, of the workers (Lischer, 2007). Further, he carried on to fight for civil rights and racial equality. He faced pushbacks but they did not stop him.

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He advocated that human rights do not depend on individuals’ decision, and that no human being has the right to make human decisions. He presented that human rights are beyond any powerful or beyond reach justification, that is there is no justification for human oppression. For instance, his wife recalls that there was a day that Martin came home very weary and stressed. Later that night he received a very threatening phone call and at that point he felt he had had enough. He woke and felt do troubled about many things including his family, the movements and his soul as well. At that moment he bowed down and prayed, he asked God for strength as he fights for what he believe is right.

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He said to God that he had nothing left of him and he needs God, guidance and help do as to face his fears, and threats and lack of strength. He brought the Bible alive and helped people make their beliefs practical in their daily lives. He was a strong man who should be emulated. It is important for each and every person to embrace their religion and allow it to play it role in their lives. As mentioned earlier, it is in the religion that we find answer to the unknown and guidance all through our lives. Therefore religion should be part of us for those who believe the importance of religion; and they should create awareness to other people so as to help them understand the importance of religion just as Martin Luther King Jr did.

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