Sao francisco river basin research
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Religion
They include among the following: the climate change results to outcomes such as floods, drought conditions in the nearby basin region and the variations in the heat waves. This climatic changes on the various basins have resulted in changes in multiple sectors such as agriculture. in the agricultural field, for example, the pattern for multiple crops have changed thus an influence (Maneta et al. Floods in its cause result in various calamities, in the end, affecting the nearby living population negatively. Waves tend to carry away people’s properties and belongings including their shelter ending up leaving them homeless. This is in contrast with the solar panels which are also in use in the whole country. For overtime, drought has continued to be a significant problem and concern to how basins are structured and expertly designed.
The use of natural gas to replace coal is another application of clean power plant. The use of natural gas instead of coal in the generation of electricity leads to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere thus preventing climate changes. Nuclear power proves a reason for the low level and quantity of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Methane as a gas usually leaks through pipes, the storage tanks, and various storage infrastructures. This is addressed through the fixation of leaking pipes and storage tanks. According to the regulations in place, leaks identified have to be fixed within one week of the discovery. Higher institutions such as Google are being used in spotting and identifying the leaks through sniffing of the older storage facilities. Gas emissions have claimed not only to affect the river basin, instead, but it has also become a significant threat to the environment.
The case in action is the united states department for agriculture. The department is encouraging its farmers in embracing greener farming to cater to climate change. Here the crops will help in solving issues like erosion and the flood calamities. The plants by the farmers will also act as storage for carbon dioxide thus less emission of the gas to the atmosphere (Callisto et al. Thess actions by the farmers embracing the greener farming will make it possible in solving the greenhouse emissions. The needs for water and other resources have been significantly helped. The interaction of this transboundary water among various states has led to growth and improvement of the economy in the various cooperating states. This has led to the facilitation of more significant investments in the regions. The neighboring states can manage the equitability of the transboundary waters and thus in return maintaining peace among themselves.
In maintaining the oneness, more treaties have been signed down where the necessary rules and regulations to be followed are stipulated in case of any disagreements among themselves. in water allocation, there is a conflict between the fish and the hydropower. In the efforts of embracing the use of renewal sources of energy. One of those renewal sources of energy is water which is the hydropower. Hydropower at large can be used in the replacement of both solar power and wind. With this to be possible, some section of the river had to be further deepened and then straightened. This leads to adverse effects in the spawning environment for the fish. Thus, conflict due to water allocation depth. Agriculture vs. Cities The battle between agriculture and cities is another conflict experienced under the climatic change.
The large population of the world is concentrating in the various cities. The problems extend to higher significance in society. The vulnerability being the tendency of being affected adversely, some section or portion of a population happens to affected adversely by climate change. The children, the aged people, and pregnant women are a section of the population who are always vulnerable to various calamity strikes. There are always harsh weather events which take place occasionally. One of the harsh weather conditions is the floods. It will determine the general way through which the making has been considered. With such consideration, the active components will be made in a clear and well-structured approach. Infrastructure Projects In solving the various risks from climate change like flooding, infrastructure serves a great deal as a defense mechanism against it.
However, the planers and people at large tend to assume that whatever was built in recent times will stand up to the near future despite these all risks. This infrastructure is constructed mainly basing on the historical events that happened. Around 500,000 cubic meters of water was supplied per day thus a benefit to the people. However, the environment here is what lost (Teixeira et al. The desalination plants use oil which is essential for its operation. The desalination plants release air pollutants to the environment. This increases the level of carbon dioxide in the air. The quality of water provided by the river basins depends on the type of construction made. When an active construction has been c completed, the quality of water will be sufficient. Best quality water will be able to maintain the best fish and other aquatic animals.
Introduction of water markets In solving the issue of water problems, the water markets were introduced. This was mainly meant to solve the issue of the insufficient water crisis shortly. River basin management under colonial regimes During the colonial tenure, well-stipulated boundaries were set around the basin regions. However, most of the riparian countries have raised an issue about the review of the boundaries in what they term as unfair allocation. An example of this is the Nile river which is still under the governance of the colonial era. There has been an increase in the population in the riparian lands. This increase in population has led to pressure for the demand for water in the region. Barbosa, F. A. R. Rocha, O. Biodiversity assessment of benthic macroinvertebrates along a reservoir cascade in the lower São Francisco river (northeastern Brazil).
Bazzoli, N. Early development of the silver catfish Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824)(Pisces: Heptapteridae) from the São Francisco River Basin, Brazil. Aquaculture Research, 40(2), 172-180. De Carvalho, D. C. Fan, F. M. Collischonn, W. Meller, A. Botelho, L. P. Sato, Y. Bazzoli, N. Rizzo, E. Comparative oocyte morphology and early development in three species of trahiras from the São Francisco River basin, Brazil. Rodrigues, L. N. Water demand and flows in the São Francisco River Basin (Brazil) with increased irrigation. Agricultural Water Management, 96(8), 1191-1200. Marengo, J. Chagas, D. J. Development of regional future climate change scenarios in South America using the Eta CPTEC/HadCM3 climate change projections: climatology and regional analyses for the Amazon, São Francisco and the Paraná River basins. Climate Dynamics, 38(9-10), 1829-1848. Teixeira, A. D.
C. Bastiaanssen, W. G. M.
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