Smog in Harbin China

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Religion

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The problem of air pollution has been in China for a decade with most of its major towns affected the most. One of these towns is Harbin. It suffers from heavier smog most particularly during winter and autumn. Air pollution causes harm to human health, the environment and damages property. Studies have shown that air quality affects human health (Mabahwi et. Similarly, Clark et al. blame industrial coal burning for Harbin’s current state. According to the authors, coal burning factories in Harbin use inefficient and outdated technologies that contribute to most of Harbin’s smog. I agree with these findings. The old factories are located in Harbin that is found in the outskirts of Beijing, which equally suffers the same fate of air pollution. According to Zhang et al. air pollution problem was first identified during the 1970s when industries began to emit Sulphur dioxide and total suspended particulates (TSP).

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A decade later, acid rain was detected in China’s major cities, including Harbin. I have discovered industrial chemicals such as secondary inorganic aerosols, nitrates and sulphates to be among factors that are responsible to PM2. as a result of industrial pollution. This is because of China’s much lower emission standards for automobiles (Zhang et al. Thus, a good explanation for the worsening situation of air quality. In a journal article that was published after the investigation into how the current and probable future automobile emissions from China would affect air quality, Saikawa et al. stated that the increase in number of automobile is a significant factor in the rising concentration of the ozone (O3) and other aerosols. Its adverse effect on health cannot be underestimated, needless to mention the damage that the ozone causes to agricultural crops (low yields).

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years shorter when compared to cities in Southern china. No wonder, some studies have shown that reducing emission of greenhouse gases would save over 500,000 lives annually on a global scale. Curbing these gases would mean a reduction in cardiovascular diseases and lung cancer that are prevalent in my hometown due to high coal consumption. From my study, I have come to discover that Smog in Harbin has also affected health of children and their related activities such as growth and education in Harbin city. Different behavioral patterns exist among children including development stages and favorite activities which put them to a different level of health exposure when compared to adults. We need stringent measures in Harbin to salvage the deteriorating situation of our town and save the country in general. Law enforcements on environmental regulations and control are supposed to be enacted to bring a long-lasting remedy on air pollution in cities of China.

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I propose that Chinese government should come up with new policies of environmental conservation at national level. Some of these policies have been proposed and many years have gone by without them being passed and enforced. In chapter four of the book edited by Hideki, Zhen Jin cites lack of efficient management system to comply and enforce regulations as a major setback of China’s environmental policy (71). Let the government set up smoke control arears and smokeless zones in Harbin to allow burning of smokeless fuels only. The bureau can also shift sources of household heating from coal to cleaner sources of fuel such as gas and electricity. If these and other policies are implemented, we will help to salvage Harbin’s current sorry environmental state and save its future generations.

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This paper has analyzed the major sources of smog in Harbin, possible effects that are being caused by these sources of air pollution and suitable remedies that can be implemented to combat smog in Harbin. The problem of air pollution can only be remedied when the Chinese government implements laws that will call for all provinces in China to protect and conserve the environment. PDF, Springer, 2017. E-book. Clark, Kylienne A, et al.  Environmental Sciencebites. The Ohio State University PressBooks, 2015, Accessed 20 Mar. et al. The impact of China's vehicle emissions on regional air quality in 2000 and 2020: a scenario analysis.  Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, vol.  11, no.  4, 2011, pp.  Sustainability, vol.  6, no.  12, 2014, pp.

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