Social groups and small groups dynamics

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Sociology

Document 1

The group fulfills all the characteristics of a group. The group consists of five members who come together during class discussions to do group assignments. Member if the group value group cohesion through loyalty and commitment to the group. There is also the feeling of togetherness in the group, and the members share the common status and educational background. Group also has task cohesion in the manner its members find the task enjoyable, with a high level of coordination and consensus. The ad informs of the benefits of using the razor and compares its benefits against its competitors. It explains, for instance; that the blade leaves the chin smooth. A comparison of the two commercials revealed that the informative commercial was more convincing because the advertising method explains the problem that a particular product will solve.

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The text explains that minority influence is the influence of group members with a dissenting viewpoint on a critical perspective held by the majority of the group members. The dissenting minority takes it upon themselves to press for the adoption of the position that they own. The leadership style involved is also aimed at arousing new ways of thinking within the group. Besides, it stimulates new learning among members. The leadership style is also task-oriented, and the group leader’s relationship with members of the group is good. The group task is too structured and the leaders position in the group us strong. The leader is more effective when the situation is favorable for the group. The reason behind the results of the test is that the mere presence of people around you doing the same task in the same fashion motivates an individual to perform a job faster and increases performance.

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There are significant differences between personal identity and social identity. First, while own identity is defined as the sense of self which a person develops while growing, social identity is defined as an individual understanding of who they are and other people’s perception of themselves and others. While personal identity emphasizes on an individual, social identity emphasizes on society as a whole. Besides, while personal identity is created through differences in individual characteristics, social identity is established through similarities of members of society. The fight escalated hence calling the attention of the police to help the situation. Part C The main reason why interpersonal contacts should have an objective is that objectives help shape our behavior (Kets, 63-64). Interactive behavior allows individuals to become proficient at taking care of their behavior as well as those by other people.

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Objectives give people the opportunity to adapt to a particular type of behavior. Goals help us know others with what they like and how they are likely to react while interacting with us. It is a competitive negotiation style where one party loses while the other wins. The negotiation method destroys the existing relationship between the negotiating parties. The factors associated with successful and healthy leaders include emotional intelligence and self-reflection. An emotionally intelligent leader is that leader who motivates themselves and others in the organization. On the other hand, self-reflecting leaders can act and reflect on what they have done. Because everyone operates on a plan that is true, members of the group come to prove that the idea is right.

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