Street Pastors Critical Analysis

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Criminology

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The group has had resounding positive results like a reduction in criminal activities especially in the areas that the street pastors have been working. Thus this paper aims to describe the study on street pastors, the method used in this study, the strength and weakness of the method used as well as specific consideration the researcher took while planning and conducting the research. The research was conducted in many United Kingdom towns and cities to get a deeper understanding of the street pastors of the night economies in the UK urban cities. It as well helps us understand the activities the pastors engage with, the impacts they have on the areas that they have patrolled as well as the way they undertake their pastoring activities on a daily basis. The research goes past patrolling the urban nightscape to providing account of criminal activities like drinking and causing chaos to the gang and drugs culture as well as an empirical engagement with the night time economy consumers and producers and the impact they have received after street pastors have visited the area.

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The research applied the use of descriptive research (qualitative study) which in this case is defined as a research process that utilizes words instead of figures in data collection and data analysis. Process involved includes subject selection, data collection, data interpretation and finally writing the findings necessary to answer the research questions. The method used to collect the data Primary data: Interviews and observation were used to get responses from the research. The questions asked were related to the research objectives. The question was set in a simple conversational language that is easy to understand and was well interpreted. More sources would have covered larger data thereby the possibility of getting informed data to generalize the findings would have been huge. • Inadequate current studies in the research area were making it difficult to establish concrete facts about the research since there were little information and statistics about the subject.

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• The centrality of the information can wind up overlooked if the researcher concentrates excessively on the degree to the expulsion of a satisfactory record of the results of that information for basic issues or theories. • Securing a high reaction rate to a review can be difficult to control, Explain why the research method was appropriate. The research method was appropriate because the data obtained through surveys like interviews and observation as well as articles and journal was dependable and those outcomes got from the explanation seems to be the same and the indicators are not likely to shift in light of the properties of the estimation procedure or geographical location. Following procedure is to recognize and select an examination strategy remembering the sort of data to be gathered, comprehended, and analyzed accordingly help with clearing inquiries on the topic of concern in the subject of decision.

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Finally, having such approach will simply evaluate through the chosen methodology in this way decreasing the probability of following system having stacks of repression and may even be keeping up a key separation from an examination strategy which isn't fitting in any capacity. Considerations to take into account when planning and to conduct the research. When planning, organizing or conducting research, there are different issues and principles to consider. Regardless of the size, degree of the topic. More specifically the impact of street pastors is hugely felt in the places where the street pastors have visited or worked (Steden, R. This study used different methods to explore different social reality as they appear in street life and to provide complementary insights. The research used secondary sources and primary sources to develop insights according to the people’s views to shape the research method.

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The study applied the use of interviews and articles as well as journals and books. The research sought a lot of views from different cities and towns across the UK concerning street pastors of the night economy. Middleton, J. and Yarwood, R. ‘Christians, out here? Encountering Street-Pastors in the post-secular spaces of the UK’s night-time economy.  Urban Studies, 52(3), pp. Steden, R. Area 44.

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