Study of Omega Energy in Colombia

Document Type:Case Study

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

For this reason, Omega Energy aims at guaranteeing a future that is sustainable for the profitable operation and local communities for partners and allies (Caspary, 2009). Principally, Omega Energy invests in Colombia. However, the company also invests in other projects in Africa and South America. By working together with global partners, Omega Energy explores and produce carbons by applying services, technical experience, equipment, suppliers, personnel, and direct operations. New technologies are researched and acquired by Omega Energy for optimizing their operations and becoming more effective in the hydrocarbons production. They happen out there in the market. For sure, they are hard to be changed. At any time, the Omega Energy can use SWOT for assessing a changing environment as well as responding proactively.

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SWOT analysis is also used by a business as s process of planning. Strengths Omega Energy is a gas and oil companies that grow thanks to the motivation and conviction for generating a positive impact on the planet and people. Most importantly, oil and gas help in providing new opportunities for business. In effect, it helps in the development of the economy of states on a macro level. Specifically, oil has a high energy density. In other words, a large quantity of energy can be produced by just a small amount of oil. In almost all parts of the world, oil and gas are widely distributed through pipelines, ships, and tankers. Besides, the production of energy fails typically to occur at a stable level.

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The use of technologies in the production of energy has been increasing the prices. In trying to produce energy, Omega Companies emit greenhouse gases into the environment. Essentially, the transfer of the Carbon Dioxide to the environment from the Earth leads to the effects of global warming. For this reason, such effects may impact negatively on the working efficiency of Omega Energy (Radomes & Arango, 2015). Additionally, such expansion will enable Omega Energy to impact the conditions of finance of the company positively and to grow geographically (Posada & Cardona, 2010). Again, the strategic plan of the company is expected to structure its gains and spending in such a way that will make it emerge a more significant player in the energy market, both globally and domestically.

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Threats In Colombia as well as other parts of the world, stringent environmental laws and regulations can adversely impact the company's profitability and finances if it fails to comply. Also, the risks of exploration that is common to other exploratory activities such as drilling can make Omega Energy incur significant losses which can, in turn, result in the loss of property and life. In the international market, the intense competition with other players with a larger resources/ asset base can erode the company’s share of the market internationally (Caspary, 2009). 007 Posada, J. , & Cardona, C. Design and analysis of fuel ethanol production from raw glycerol.  Energy, 35(12), 5286-5293. doi: 10. , & Olaya, Y. A simulation approach for the analysis of the short-term security of natural gas supply in Colombia.

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