Stylistic Study on Anais Nin

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Literature

Document 1

This paper is going to have a comprehensive review of some of her works and while doing so, it intends to unveil the style that the author is seen to be common with. The paper will provide details of how she managed to attract people with her writings. Introduction Background of the study The stylistic taste that Anais Nin was seen to be having is one that is quite intriguing and it is for this reason that most people have decided to look into her works for studying. Her uniqueness in terms of the works she presents to people has been seen to be awesome. The study seeks to have a look or rather discover the secret in her uniqueness in the works she delivers.

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However, questions posed to the writer or rather the author indicated that he had intended that the book reached a male client. It is said that in most of the times, Nin was seen to describe herself as a feminine writer though this particular work was intended to gasp the attention of a male reader. The ability of the author to talk more about the feminine concept while addressing the male audience without having to intrigue negative feelings and unnecessary commotion if one a style that she could be credited for as well as credited for helping in raising her works since it is the reasons that led to the fame that was seen to be depicted by her works. The delta of Venus is seen to have sense of eroticism as well and such an assertion comes from the fact that she openly introduces the sex scenes and less flourish is seen in the writing as well (Cistelecan 24).

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The aspects that have been depicted in this book include beatitudes, dazzling reverberation of sexual encounters and ecstasies and it is seen that the stores presented in this book are an exploration between the notions that were from the author’s assumption of feminine and masculine sexuality. The following expressions are a clear indication of how much the author was a strong feminist and that she always incorporated the dea of agitating for female dominance in the society through her works. The female gender is confessional whereas the male is symbolic. Her language is mainly lyrical and focuses more on the internalizations of the characters and does not verge into the description of action. Her lyrical flow that is depicted in her books as well as the internalization of characters is also a feature or rather characteristic that really helped her when it came to the speaking out of her mind especially on matters to do with feminism.

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Her second work that is going to be used for review of her stylistic works is the book titled, ‘In Anais: The Erotic Life of Anais Nin’, which has apparently been tagged as to be her meticulously researched book (Cistelecan 24). Also, they helped those who did the criticism of her works and this is seen from the instance where they were being used to compare to her works that she initiated when she was old. The difference that set in between the two works was what people used in the description of her style in writing. The diaries are said to be the main source of creativity and style that she is seen to have had depicted in her writings and such an assertion comes from the fact that they do contain a number of issues such as her secrets and accurate information about her life.

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It is from the diaries and the works that she later came up with that one would be able to describe the style that the author uses and this is so because of the fact that the gap that is created between her real life and the fictional life that she created during the writing of her pieces is what convinces an individual of the exact style that she subscribes to. Another aspect that would help significantly with the understanding of Nin’s writings style and their meaning is having a look at the fictional work that she presented, at this point, the paper is going to have a comprehensive look at the fictional works of the author and have a deeper analysis of the style she used as this would be another way with which to help ascertain the styles that she was seen to be popular with as she journeyed through her writing career which apparently is seen to have had a lot of ups and downs.

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The story ends with the boat being condemned into some sort of exile in a boatyard that has been filled with skeletons that are rotting as well as piles of wood and rusty anchors. He she brings out a creepy environment in which the reader has to think of what happens in the story especially when it gets t the end where there is no clear explanation as to why the boat is taken into exile. It is part of the weird styles that the author has been seen to be depicting and he shows that there are a lot of untold mysteries that the reader may hope for her to unfurl in the following stories which apparently does not happen thus creation of intense or rather immense suspense.

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In addition to the information that has already been provided about the author in the paper above, it is also nice to have it in mind that the author during her career-life was always devoted to ensuring that she seeks enough redress to the feminine or rather womanhood which according to her was seen to be in immense suffering. She does seek this redress through the use or rather employment of sexuality themes in most of her works and this is seen to help her big time since they help in the creation of the controversies that her works are seen to breed. Worth noting is the fact that the diaries she kept while young played a very imperative role in her works when she later became an adult.

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