Sufism and Reflection on Meditation
The idea of freeing the mind of the burden is a positive one considering the struggles that we face daily. My main concern about meditation is whether the time spent is fruitful enough as suggested. Clinical trials at John Hopkins University found out that meditation reliefs depression, pain and anxiety. Am going to incorporate the breathing technique and the Sufi meditation technique. Sufi meditation has been described as a practice where one achieves a state of elevated consciousness and enlightenment. My mind greatly wandered about my day’s activities. The ten minutes seemed a very long time. I guided my awareness back to breathing while focusing on my body; it became easier. Observing the sensation of air exiting and entering the body seemed something new. The flow of the air between the nostrils and upper lip felt like a new experience.
This was a shift from personal viewpoint to the divine. I sat on the floor cross-legged with my hands on my knees comfortably. I closed my eyes and started focusing my body’s energy towards a realization that in everything that happens, there is a divine power over us. the beat of the music increased my concertration. my mind did not wander as often but being a new experience, I was not relaxed. From the principles of embracing a feeling and learning to enjoy it, in breathing meditation helped to convert pain into a smile. I was glad of the achievement rather turning to blame. After the time elapsed I was relaxed and ready to face the day. Thursday I turned Sufi music on, Allaho Akbar, a Rahimo, and comfortably sited cross-legged, I started Sufi meditation.
to become a Sufi first I had co completely be in touch with my inner being and connect with spiritual energy. The breathing, inhaling and exhaling never worked the magic like the beat of the Sufi music and suddenly seemed common. With my improved ability to concentration, I was able to sail through the meditation. I was okay to go for the day. In felt relaxed by the feeling of oneness with the soul was not. This feeling was evidenced during Sufism meditation. I succeeded in fulfilling my inner self-energy to a single point in my heart. The challenge was to believe in divine power. The sense of harnessing my energy to a single point in my hearts seemed unbelievable. Living the world and problems associated with it to be one with the spiritual power was great.
It was inspiring to try attracting outside energy to my inner body. Conclusion Meditation has completely changed my view on the issue, after a one week practice. After one week my critic has changed to accolades. I recommend meditation to all people. People always ask as I did before, what are the main benefits of meditation? The answer is simple; it just makes you feel great plus other importance reasons that you can expect from practicing meditation. The importance's can never be emphasized enough. Sufi meditation contains messages of deliberation and rumination which results in a heightened awareness that helps us to know about the world that surrounds us (Abraham 211). I like the goal of the Sufi meditation which that aims to reconnect our self towards holistic dimensions of our transpersonal being.
Works cited Mirahmadi, Sayyid Nurjan, and Hedieh Mirahmadi. The healing power of Sufi Meditation. ISCA, 2005:30-55 Kumar, S. Princeton University Press, 2015:1-6 Norton, Felicia A. and Charles H. Smith. Intimacy with the Earth: Insights from the Sufi and Jungian Alchemical Traditions on Transforming our Relationship with Matter. Jung Journal 9.
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