Sufism in Islam

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Religion

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The term paper is aimed at determining the extent to which the main practices and beliefs of Sufism are expressed in the Quran, as well as, the biography of prophets Mohammed. Similarly, the research paper will also determine how Sufism can be distinguished from other Islamic approaches. By so doing, a detailed overview of Sufism, Islamic practices, and beliefs will be outlined appropriately. Concept of Sufism According to Ernst (p. Sufism is described as a set of traditions of ethical and spiritual practices that are thought to have flourished in Muslim religion for the past millenniums. Also, devolution in such states was concerned with the tombs for Sufi saints where the pilgrims and majority of women and men attended to perform their cultural practices. As a result, there was the formation of common lineages that were for the disciples and masters of different areas which had distinctive cultural and spiritual practices.

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For example, Chishti's order of South Africa has supported the performance of poetry and music as compared to the Naqshbandis of Central Asia who focused on silent mediations (Schimmel p. Since then, Sufi masters have played a great role in literature. This is evident in the poems belonging to Persian which were written in Arabic or Rumi. It is compared and distinguished with the faiths of mysticisms. Therefore, Sufism is described in relation to the mystical movement of monotheism that cannot be compromised. This implies that doctrine of Muslims teaches them that their doctrine allows them to believe in the existence of one God who has partners who can contest or share the teachings together. From that explanation, it is explicit that the message of Muslims' God is delivered through Qur'an.

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Moreover, it is believed that the revelations through the holy book are presented from Prophet Muhammad. According to the ancient tradition and spiritual development of Muslims, Sufism is said to have spread in many parts of the world. The core root of Sufism is Islam and many teachers of Sufi such as Sheikhs assert that it is not easy for Sufism to be limited in particular religions. Therefore, Muslims have a strong believe that Sufism makes them be pure in their religion once they read Qur'an. The belief is that most of the cultural and historical concepts that relate to Sufism among the Muslims make them change and remain pure. As a result, purity is believed to be attained once they develop a strong faith in the miracles that their God performs after they read Qur'an.

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Therefore, anyone who learns the Sharia law marks the progress from one step to a new path of developing spiritually. The second practice is psycho-energetic practice and it is mainly concerned with the acceleration of the intellectual and ethical process that makes Muslim to have self-development. The core methods of the practice are the tariqa which makes an individual to get Sufism teachings from Sheikh. Moreover, there are other practices such as dances that require an individual to relax his body to enable him to get the right teachings concerning Sufism that results in Sufi whirling. Therefore, such religious practices of Muslims emphasize the Sufi believe in their spiritual traditions. The healing is mainly concerned with the spiritual concept that Makes an individual fit in the eyes of God. For instance, Sufism focuses on the divine purity of an individual as compared to the other Islamic approaches that emphasize the nature of a true Muslim.

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Moreover, the permission of the healing results in the heart's desire to influence the physical and emotional difficulties which encounter the Sufi in their spiritual life. According to Ridgeon (p. on the Islamic civilization, the science concerned with the spiritual healing is thought to focus on the Sufis as described in the concept of Sufism where purity is the key practice. Through that, it becomes easy for the Sufis to acknowledge the presence of their Creator for he will free them from their wrong acts and bring them to the right where they can learn about the teachings of Divine Revelation (Ridgeon p. Conclusion To sum up, the Sufi approach to spiritual healing and Islam is based on the reality of God who is the Truth of Al-llah. Consequently, the described concepts provide a clear way in which Sufism is distinguished to the Islamic approaches.

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Moreover, the false assumptions that are concerned with the beliefs that transform the Muslims and Sufis are fit to outline the truth of Sufism based on the Qur'an and the biography of prophet Muhammad. Due to this, Sufism is considered to be one of the highest obligations that provide power and Surrender to the Muslims to obey the beliefs and practices of their religion. Islamic Mysticism: A Short History. Schimmel, Annemarie. Mystical Dimensions of Islam.  VRÜ Verfassung und Recht in Übersee 11.

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