SWOT Analysis of American Cancer Society

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Health Care

Document 1

The main aim of the American Cancer Society is to fight against cancer. The organization was established in 1913 and has been active since then. The head office of the organization is based in Atlanta, Georgia. The American Cancer Society is known for its journals that are published monthly that eliminate on the ways of preventing oneself from cancer, how to help the cancer patients and the general awareness about cancer. Because of its initiatives on fighting cancer, the organization has been applauded all over the United States for its critical work. In addition, Strengths of the organization are seen in the way it has handles itself for many years. The enormous success of the organization is one of the critical things that have propelled the organization forward.

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This firm also has a vast support that it commands from the people and the well-wishers. It is also a prominent firm with a high number of workers who have undergone adequate training and a substantial work experience background. The marketing strategy is also another strength that is giving the organization a good rating in the market (Sarsby, 2006). Poor planning is another threat that may destabilize the association in its operation (Sarsby, 2016). Opportunities Opportunities are the potential elements in the environment that the association can harness to their advantage. Venturing into new sides such as Europe and Africa is an opportunity. It can also engage in other awareness programs in other diseases such as Hiv/Aids. Another opportunity is the incorporation of new technology into their setting.

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Competition is very crucial in the business world and once a company is not able to withhold the waves of competition, it is at a risky position in terms of profit-making, customer retaining besides the market share and the risk of losing investors and goodwill. Lack of the resources and goodwill of some volunteers is also another threat. Meeting many people is also another threat that destabilizes the organization as a large number is affected by the disease nowadays leading to an alarming number of patients who need care. A huge number of people means that there will be a need to increase the working staff, health facilities and even the number of the healthcare providers besides the subordinate staff members.

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The platforms of awareness is another threat that makes the organization unable to meet its objectives because many people fear cancer but they are not ready to follow up on the preventive measures that re giving to them. Every action of planning in contingency is aimed at meeting specific vital objectives. Developing the objectives ensures that the purported planning technique meets all the required components of the planning technique. Developing the objective in planning for any surgical operation I ideal in deducting the required mandate on what is required to be done and how it should be done. The second place is developing the tasks to meet the setup objectives. Any setup objectives follow a specific task that needs to be implemented to realize the viability of such objectives.

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It is a method that will determine all the input methods and how to ensure best that all the methods are working and put in place for the actual process of surgery. The sixth stage is finalizing the plan. Finalizing the plan involves checking all the required resources are put in place before the actual day of the surgery. It requires checking and ascertaining that each of the plans that have been developed is correctly working for the overall success of the process that needs to be implemented. Finalizing the plan also deals with ascertaining the workability of the process and checking for any modifications that may prove to be a hindrance to the surgical process before the process is conducted (Smith, 2017).

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