The behaviour of children living with a learning disorder

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Health Care

Document 1

Children with this condition will find it difficult than others kids to understand and retain what they learn (Graham, and Harris, 2005, 9). This condition may be noticed in the early stages of their life’s, or even at later stages. Some guardians are often not aware of this condition, and this habitually poses a challenge in how they relate with their children. For this reason and others, there is a dire need for creating awareness to parents and ensuring that they are well informed (Reynolds, and Kamphaus, 2004, 16). The disabled children will need some assistance in some processes, and far most important is that they will need understanding from their guardians or else more harm than good may be the end product. The authors do essential work in categorically dismembering antisocial behaviors and point out ways in which the condition can be rehabilitated.

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The article by both Graham and Harris on Effective strategies for teaching students with learning difficulties does a recommendable job in airing out the various effective approaches that tutors may use to cater for children with special needs effectively. It is quite apparent that this needs special attention, one that is from qualified personnel. In addition to being equipped on how to handle the children, emphasis is laid on the significance of dealing patiently with the children. The article titled Multisystemic therapy for antisocial behaviour in children and adolescents is yet another piece of work that goes a great deal in explaining the grave results of learning disorder. These methods are not rocketed science at all and are quite contemporary at the same time.

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Guardians are consistently beckoned to treat the “special” children with patience, and should also learn to recognize and appreciate the little efforts made by the children. The documentation also advocates for a reward system, where the children with difficulties are rewarded on every small attempt they make. It is the little things that we do that count, and this is what the children need to understand. Total people are living with a learning disability 1,491,000 Those also experience from mental health problems- (25%-40%) Men 630,000 Those in paying employment- 44,980 Those not in paid employment- 595,020 Women 475,000 Children 486,000 Those with autism spectrum condition-3,860 Fig 1 Statistics are very crucial in revealing to us the number of people suffering from learning disability and the experiences they go through.

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This is proved by statistics, where over six hundred thousand affected persons are men, while the remaining percentage is that of women. This finding gives a different bearing on mechanisms to be laid in dealing with the disorder. Men are more prone to the condition than women. This awareness needs to be creating a lot of men to help remedy the situation. In matters to do with occupation, learning disability also significantly interferes with employment. It is quite evident that they will need some assistance in such process, and far most important is that their guardians need an understanding of their condition. Failure for parents to understand this bit will most likely be equated to being ignorant. It is important to note that some behaviours are associated with the learning disability.

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The appropriate recognition and appreciation of the existence of this condition will not only help parents handle their children, but will also see to it that energy, time and resources are not wasted in trying to treat the wrong thing (Reynolds, and Kamphaus, 2004, 10). It will also help the parents to bond with their children. They may face problems while socializing and finally they may end up depending on others, their entire life (Henggeler et al. For those with a mild case, the help they need may only be in a few areas. For them, the need may be just extra support, but not entirely. They may be able to manage some tasks only with less assistance. Learning disability has also been referred to by some terms.

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Such children find it hard to communicate or relate socially, thus are not able to get what they want or explain how they feel. There is a dire need for helping such children out of such behaviours, by incorporating skilled individuals. Children with communication and social challenges may be seen hurting others through pulling of hair, hitting and also head-butting. Others may go to the extent of harming themselves through headbanging, poking their eyes and even biting off their own hands. In the event of heightened cases, some children result to destructive behaviours that include throwing of things all over, destroying and breaking of furniture, breaking of utensils and also tearing of stuff like books and clothes. There are some policies and procedures which have been orchestrated to effect and govern significant decisions and actions in matters to do with a learning disorder.

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The plans are aimed at ensuring that the children with special needs are taken upon particular interest and care. The policies are categorized into the following: eligible verification, documentation guidelines, accommodations, registration for services, test accommodations and substitutions. In conclusion, children or young people with a learning disability find it hard to carry out simple life’s tasks. For this reason, they may need a lot of help from a skilled person, in carrying out the works. Are the responsible arms and bodies on matters to do with learning disability responsible enough to see that those affected are served appropriately and adequately? Are there independent parties that investigate and reproof the progress of responsible bodies? Methodology The approach to obtain data will be thoroughly discussed in this particular segment.

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This section will see to it that there be a discussion of the description of the research approach, research strategy, research design, research ethics and research hypotheses. A demonstration of the layout of the means of containing the study problem will also be majored on. Methods of data gathering are generally categorized as quantitative, qualitative or mixed method (Johnson, and Christensen, 2008, p23). Qualitative methodology entails the acquisition of data followed by an examination of the data, transforming the data into substantial statistics. The situation is common means merely that a lot of people are affected by it, both male and female, the young and the old. As for the condition of the disability not being so common, it merely means that there is little awareness created.

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In the case where knowledge is present, the process is not reliable at all. Parents need to be on the lookout for their children, and if they notice abnormality of any nature, they ought to take necessary steps in addressing the case. It should also be understood that disabled children definitely need a lot of assistance in some activities, and most importantly is that they will need empathy from their parents or guardians. Journal of Engineering education, 98(1), pp. Dishion, T. J. and Patterson, G. R. K. , Borduin, C. M. , Rowland, M. D.  Issues in comprehensive pediatric nursing, 25(1), pp. Martinussen, R. and Tannock, R. Working memory impairments in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder with and without comorbid language learning disorders.  Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology, 28(7), pp.

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