The Civil Rights Movement Research

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:History

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The bodies include courts of law, lawmakers, and law enforcers agencies. Africans were not allowed to enjoy a number of facilities and hence were allocated their own substandard hospitals, schools, swimming pools. Separate building entrances, separate theatres among others. They were also not allowed to vote in the elections and mostly were called by mockery names including ‘Nigger' or ‘Coon'. Jim Crow Laws enhanced the implementation of the segregation and inequitable distribution of resources that were done in the times. She wanted to attend a school reserved only for the whites which was a few miles from her home compared to the African school. various bodies intervened and fought strongly for the case to end the segregation including National Association For the Advancements of Colored People [NAACP] through its lawyer Thurgood Marshall.

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the case later proceeded to US supreme court. the supporters of racism also fought to maintain the segregator rule. in 1955 supreme court passed a ruling on desegregation of schools and entering into integrated system. They boycotted the buses for 382 days consecutively to express their dissatisfaction. Africans agitated for cautious and fair treatment by the bus driver separating, Hiring of their own as drivers ,and also equal bus seats distributions. bus companies underwent tremendous losses but never gave in to the demands as they were being supported by whites and Klux Klan that were form to resist integration. the boycott demonstrated the Africans determination to make sure that equality and justice prevailed to all the African Americans and racial groups the use of economic power as a weapon by using slogans to support the act made it stronger.

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Residents of Montmegery used to walk to work or times gained sympathetic rides from the whites who supported them. However there were increased bombings in social places belonging to Africans including schools churches, pushing Eisenhower to put forward a new bill which was named 1960 Civil Rights Act. the cast categorically stated the penalties of those going against the court order of integration of schools and voting rights of the Africans in the united states. percentage of Africans who participated in 1960 election increased by 3 percent. Martin Luther King on his part had a divergent view of the achievement of civil rights. king viewed nonviolent protests as best method to express demands. they got support from the other students and ended up staying in the place for the whole day. Important Leaders who involved in the Movement Martin Luther King encouraged nonviolent campaigns.

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the breakthrough of integrating sit-ins and other public facilities and utilities came in 1961 when over 70000 African American in the sit-ins campaign in 150 cities. his work attracted a huge number of support from different quarters both national and internationally. HE later led another movement in Albania Georgia against the segregation in the hotels and restaurants and housing which achieved the objective but was retaliated by the local authorities by stringent measures to those who embraced integration. in 1963 ,president Kennedy summoned congress and passed, more civil rights laws. Medgar Evers NAACP activist was short dead bursting public outrage and shock among African American's and in the end, they planned another march. Global Connections of the Movement Mohandas Gandhi was the founder of nonviolent civil disobedience and among the key leaders who contributed to the independence of India.

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he also led boycotts and civil disobedience in his own country. Gandhi organized the campaign called Satyagraha to counter the restrictions of South African governments on the Indus community. Martin Luther king was inspired with the nonviolent means used by Gandhi. he later used the same campaign to agitate for the civic rights of the African Americans in the united states. he used to fight for desegregation of schools and transport systems to integrated methods. king also ensured equitability in resources and job allocation using the nonviolence means unlike the previous NAACP way of fighting for the rights legally in courts. martin Luther played the Centre role in the implementation of the African Americans in the united states. racism eradication in America has made America the most powerful state economically due to the combined efforts and justice being served to all.

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References Goodwin, J. Jasper, J. M. Polletta, F.  A new deal for blacks: The emergence of civil rights as a national issue: the Depression Decade. Oxford University Press, USA. Weisbrot, R.  Freedom bound: A history of America's civil rights movement. EP Dutton.

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