The conflicts in Xinjiang Chechnya and Quebec

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Religion

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But the most common types of conflict are economic conflicts, religious, political as well as cultural conflicts. All these types of conflicts above are caused due to the disagreement of certain groups of people or countries. There are five different levels of conflict that include; the first one, the problem to solve, contest, disagreement, fight and intractable. Conflicts are usually caused by the struggle over power, disputes over property, conflicts on values and attitudes, personal loyalties and lack of respect. These countries Xinjiang, Quebec, and the Chechnya are faced by conflicts that seem to be related in a way and they also have got conflicts that are different in many ways. They usually use a different language that is not used by dominant groups. They also differ in the way they cope up with various changes that come along.

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On the side part of Xianjing, there was violence this is because Uighur was forced to assimilate into Chinese during the period of Han dynasty (Taras et al, pg. At first they tried to fight the assimilation but eventually, they were outnumbered by the other groups present. Québec too tried to make French as their official language so that they can avoid the big conflict between them and the colonizers. They did this in the name of using the USA that was the war on terrorism is an excuse whereby most of the Chechens are Muslims. The first war that occurred in 1990 between Russians and Chechens was lost by the Russians in which the Chechens became independent for once. But in the second Chechen war, they were defeated and Moscow regained its control over the government of the Chechnya.

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Quebec is known as the old capital city of Canada which was founded in the year 1608. The conflict occurs in Quebec in Canada because it is different from the rest parts of Canada. That was the time when Canada had drafted the new constitution of which Quebec did not want to be part of it. This situation made French Quebeckers to feel as alien although they were in their province. The nationalist from Quebec viewed the situation to be intolerable and wanted to be separated from Canada. of the population from Quebec were affected by being either demanding Quebec to be separated from Canada or by the violent activities. In Quebec, there is a common law that is about 12 consecutive months. Quebec part is on the lower side of Canada. French had occupied Quebec before but after British invaded the region and conquered the area hence French had to surrender the territory to the British men and the rest of places they had occupied.

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After that, they were given choice either to stay and subjects or leave and not to carry anything. Most of them chose to remain and they had freedom of using their language and practice their religion as well. The American war of independence broke and some of the people were against the British ran to Upper Canada. The bills of rights 101 are the reason for the conflicts over language in Quebec and are still being a fight over in Canada. It is important to note that despite the fact the three regions are facing conflicts, Quebec is lucky. This is because it was able to hold peaceful protest for independence and they also have got some rights which can protect them. Unlike Xinjiang and Chechnya who are still seeking for their freedom till today.

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Work cited Taras, Raymond, and Rajat Ganguly.

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