The Connection Between Globalization and Global Warming
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Religion
Global warming is simply a form of climate change in which the earth has experienced drastic temperature rise over the years. Schneider pg. A rise in temperature on the earth will obviously make living quite unbearable and uncomfortable. The main aspects that is constantly linked to global warming is human activities. As much as major advancements on the planet have been made through human activities, there is a negative side to all this development. Globalization can be defined as the expansion of business operations and interactions worldwide that were once limited to a small geographic area for instance buildup of industries and companies. Major organizations that have significant influence on the economy have tremendously grown and extended their services through partnerships and business agreements. Globalization has led to a number of benefits that more and more countries enjoy today.
For instance, industries have grown in number, trading activities have been on a rise and generally the economy of countries involved in these changes have recorded impressive figures. As harmless as it might seem, globalization does have a major effect on the planet’s climate. Industrial growth has intensified over the past years and efforts to contain this growth have all been futile. The use of fossil fuels on industries is one of the most efficient way of producing maximum output and still remaining under a reasonable budget but the effect it has on the climate globally is negative. McMichael, Anthony J pg. With the growth of industries estimated to increase, the amount of greenhouse gases is set to hit critical levels in the atmosphere. As globalization becomes profoundly popular, a desire for change when it comes to lifestyle has been noted.
Some countries have taken a number of measures to curb the rapid growth of industries due to the effects they have on climate discouraging the growth of certain industrial sectors. In response to these, some industries have resulted to setting up their operations in countries that are less strict on environmental issues in order to maintain a constant manufacture of their products. Even with the effects of global warming revealing themselves on the planet, a number of business operators have turned a blind eye to warnings of several environmental agencies. McMichael, Anthony J pg. Most developing countries oblige to such agreements seeing them as opportunities to improve the nation but the truth of the matter is that these improvements will result to extreme consequences on the environment in the future. Climate Change Causes: A Blanket Around the Earth") Earth will generally become warmer as all these gases build up in the atmosphere.
This means that the glaciers in the polar regions will melt faster than usual ruining the natural habitat of species such as penguins that rely on the cold weather. The world will be prone to floods and drought which are known to claim the lives of many. Researchers have greatly brainstormed on the issue to do with global warming and the predictions they have are far from being positive. Climate Change Causes: A Blanket Around the Earth") Floods are known to attain catastrophic levels when it comes to the number of deaths caused in an area. McMichael, Anthony J pg. Some countries have adapted to energy forms such as solar power and wind energy to some of the industries with an aim of reducing the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Environmental activists have also gathered up in large numbers to fully fight against activities driven by greed that are insensitive to the environment. Groups such as Earth First have been made with their main motive being safeguarding the environment worldwide. Despite more and more responses being made to raise awareness on global warming, the efforts are not as effective as they should be and the predicament has kept o growing for quite some time. Accessed 9 Dec 2018. Deforestation and Its Extreme Effect on Global Warming". Scientific American, 2018, https://www. scientificamerican. com/article/deforestation-and-global-warming/. Science 243.
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