Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:History

Document 1

Its first paid employee was Joe Mitty, who started working in 1949 on the OXFAM shop on broad. He distributed donated clothing to poor people. The main activities of OXFAM in the different countries of the world was to come up with applicable ideas solutions on how to eradicate poverty and injustices around the universe. The main goal of OXFAM is to fight poverty and eradicate it completely and also ensure that individuals are able to demonstrate their rights and also help them manage their lives without much interruption. The organization ensures that people have say in deciding on matters that affect them. OXFAM headquarters is situated in oxford in United Kingdom. This organization funded by donors, governments, and even the people. This organization has shops internationally which sells donated items since 1947 and it had over 1,200 shops all over the world.

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It works with both local and national organizations partners. MISSION The OXFAM main mission is to address the main causes of poverty in our society, injustice and work upon various accountable organizations in order to raise up their effectiveness. OXFAM headquarters is situated in oxford in United Kingdom. This organization funded by donors, governments, and even the people. This organization has shops internationally which sells donated items since 1947 and it had over 1,200 shops all over the world. It works with both local and national organizations partners. Despite of their achievements over many years, OXFAM has gone wrong through the following factors: Firstly, there was a sexual scandal that was reported in Haiti about a woman who was forced to have sex with an aid worker in exchange for service. This difference between the funder’s requirements results into the delay of fund release.

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If there is an emergence like flood cases, disease outbreak like Cholera and Ebola in Guinea Bissau and Senegal, the organization cannot be able to handle it since there is no ready funds. There has also been a failure in bringing in a campaign and the programing expertise on the new issues like climate change. Climate change affects people’s activities like in agriculture where production becomes insufficient because of prolonged drought or heavy rains which damages food crops. This brings hunger and poverty more so in African continent. In the affected countries many people were characterized with hunger, poverty, malnutrition cases which was beyond OXFAM control. To add on that, OXFAM generates more than half of their funds in Britain thus being able to be the most influential country running the organization.

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This means that there is no equality among the organization partners since some countries are way above in terms of contributions than other nations. In some countries, the organization representation is poor because there are just offices and unimplemented programs. This means that if Britain withdrew its funding aid to OXFAM, their activities will be disrupted because it will be not able to pay their large number of staffs thus making it impossible for the program to run smoothly. Government alone can never manage to fight natural disasters. So there is need for funding agencies to finance non-governmental organizations so that they can run their activities efficiently. References Stafford, N. Oxfam warns of future global hunger crisis unless rules on food markets are changed. Bmj, 342 doi:10. doi:10. A:1006003901063Link oxfam. Fort Mill: Mergent.

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Link Payne, L. Smyth, I.

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