Hawaiian airline has unique service qualities which distinct it from other airlines and it is among the best rated airline globally due to high customer demand. This research aims at identifying how the quality of services in Hawaiian airlines increases customer’s loyalty. The services include: cheap flight cost, advancement in technology, service superiority, Economic changes and revenue, the frequent flyer program and demographics. The objective of this study is to understand customer’s perceptions, experiences and services which drive their loyalty to Hawaiian airlines. The various factors are identified, analyzed and suggestions on how they can be improved are discussed in this paper. It has also enabled frequent travelers to share miles with their friends and to earn miles in every item they purchase while traveling. Hawaiian airlines have been able to compensate for fuel prices by earning income from items purchased using the frequent flyer programs (Hubert and Kenning, 2008).
Before deregulation, customers used to pay high ticket prices for traveling and for baggage. Thus, most people preferred to transport baggage rather than to travel themselves (Felke et. al. The older generations are always loyal to particular brands unlike the Z generation who want to explore every type of brand before settling on the final one (Gurau et. al. That is why Hawaiian airline decided to choose baby boomers as their target market so as to maintain their loyalty. Hawaiian airlines provide post services such as giving out data cards to customers, which is essential to improving customer’s loyalty because the company is able to interact with customers even after they reach their destination. Customers are not only concerned about quality service but they are also concerned with their safety and punctuality (Parasuraman, 1988).
al. Cost of flight reduction comprised of the low ticket price, delivery of baggage, minimal flight cancellation, the flexibility of schedules, food delivery and cabin services (Aksoy et. al. However, a lot of focus is based on intangible aspects such as legroom, food delivery, seating gap and travel times for different people (Tsaur et. al. The cabins of the aircraft are innovated which gives the customers a beautiful view of sunrise and sunset sceneries on the Islands. Similarly, the presence of wireless networks and improved volume systems will enable the passengers to be entertained throughout their journey. The aircraft has pure power engines and Extended-range Twin-engine Operations (ETOPS) which allows the plane to fly for long flights above the water and helps in reduction of fuel consumptions by 15 percent (Dooney et.
al. Typically, the introduction of new engines, innovation of cabin, improved internet connection enables Hawaiian Airlines to maximize their profits in a short span of time and increase their customer’s loyalty. Fewer complaints are received from customers since they get what they want which increases the loyalty of customers who use Hawaiian airlines because they get satisfied with the services provided to them. Hawaiian airlines have developed a cloud mobile which is a two-way messaging service and a faster way of communicating with customers. This technology is useful for passengers to receive personal assistance rather than waiting for a response from a receptionists desk (Cyr et. al. The service allows multiple conversations which enable customers to contact their families and friends for free using the service. d. Similarly, frequent flyer program of Hawaiian airlines enables customers to share miles with their friends or family, earn miles on the distance of the flight and earn miles on everything purchased during the flight (Cheng et.
al. Other features added to frequent flyer programs of Hawaiian airlines include map search which provides k8easy access to various partner products and inbuilt links where members can share the results through social media platforms (De Boer & Gudmundsson, 2012). The gift card mall enables members to buy gift cards from selected individuals online and earn miles. Provision of vocational trips by Hawaiian airlines increases the demand for premium seats by baby boomers since they like going on vacation during holidays or when they are on off duty (Cederholm, 2014c). However, baby boomers frequently reduce their travel rate when they retire and the millennial generation gets a higher income by replacing the retired baby boomers. This creates a shift towards the demographic target and an increase in profit because the premium seats are demanded by both the boomers and the millennial (Liou, 2009).
Therefore, the creation of premium economy has enabled Hawaiian airlines to increase its rate of customer loyalty through the services it offers. CONCLUSION Major findings from this research include: • Customer loyalty in Hawaiian airlines depends on services such as income level, technology, demographics and frequent flyer programs. al. Soundproof adaptors should be placed strategically inside the aircraft to prevent passengers from hearing any noise when the aircraft is consuming fuel (Barnes, 2001). High capacity aircraft should be developed to enable all loyal customers of Hawaiian airlines to have access to air transport. GAPS BETWEEN CUSTOMERS AND MANAGEMENT The first gap exists when the management fails to meet the demand of customers. Customers have different expectations which the management might fail to achieve because they might not be aware of their expectations. The airlines have been trying to reduce the cost of tickets and baggage and adding new revenue like charging extra costs on the premium economy in order to make up for the rising expenses (Gov.
uk, 2014). Hawaiian airline is among the US airline that has tried to maintain its customer’s loyalty through providing high-quality service. Improvement of Hawaiian airline flyer program has enabled even the low-income earners to pay for premium seats. Bibliography AAdvantage program – Frequent flyer miles – Award travel – American Airlines. Measuring and monitoring service quality at European Airlines. Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 5(2), 25-27. doi:10. Bieger, T. Wittmer, A. com/2014/09/must-know-the-role-oftechnology-in-the-airline-industry/ Cederholm, T. c, September 3). Travel preferences for millennials versus non-millennials - Market Realist. Retrieved from http://marketrealist. com/2014/09/travel-preferences-of-the14 millennials-versus-non-millennials Cheng, W. Marketing implications of loyalty programs on customer relationship management within the airline industry Marketing, 48(1), 30-40 doi10. markt1701030k De Boer, E. R. Gudmundsson, S. V. Panjakajornsak, V. Lerrthaitrakul, W. The Airline Service Quality Affecting Post Purchase Behavioral Intention: Empirical Evidence from the Low-Cost Airline Industry.
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