The feasibility of replacing current commercial aircraft with the pilotless plane

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Religion

Document 1

The research question will be stated herein, which essentially highlights the purpose of the research. The body of the report will entail the research methodology, an analysis of the data, and the findings regarding the research question. A conclusion to summarize the report will also feature. Keywords: Commercial aircraft, pilotless plane, feasibility, rhetorical situation, research question, methodology, analysis, and findings. Table of Contents The Rhetorical Situation 4 Introduction 4 Research Methodology 5 Analysis of the Data 5 Conclusion 8 References 9 The Rhetorical Situation The situation at hand herein is that the replacement of the current commercial aircraft with pilotless planes is under consideration. This is because the sources include work that can be verified and, therefore, contain reliable information regarding how pilotless planes are expected to operate.

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Data from magazines and books helped in putting together this report with much of the concentration dwelling on the ability of a pilotless plane to fly safely. The feedback from passengers who come from various parts of the world was also a key piece of information that helped in the combination of this report. Secondary data sources are vital because they provide essential background information that helps to create an understanding of the research question. Analysis of the Data The pilotless planes idea is still trying to get into people’s minds as aviation companies work around the clock to ensure this becomes a reality. Usually, when there is a pilot, and flight engineers the passengers are confident in case of anything there are experts available to attend to the problems.

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The aviation industry will have to convenience people that such issues as mechanical, medical, and security can be fixed in the absence of the crew if the pilotless planes have to be embraced. According to Shaban (2017), the public is not willing to test the pilotless planes but is rather open to using them as cargo transporters. Passengers argue that it is okay with them that the pilotless aircraft are used to transport cargo because these are not human beings and in the case of an accident then they can only count financial losses and not human life. The aviation industry will have to overcome the challenge of the precautionary nature of human beings if these pilotless planes are to be accepted by the public.

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Similarly, individuals who understand automation are also more willing to try out the pilotless planes. However, there is another group of people who are ready to transport their cargo in such planes but not personally travel in them. This kind of feedback is very confusing to the people in the aviation industry who are looking to roll out this plan of replacing commercial aircraft with pilotless ones. There is still some reasonable amount of explaining airlines have to do in order to convince people of the safety of flying with artificial intelligence (Rice, 2019). There is a big concern in the matter regarding cyber-attacks during a flight. The travelers also do not have full confidence in the idea that they will be flown by aircraft that are not manned by a pilot but rather by artificial intelligence.

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