The Impact of Artificial Intelligence to the Society

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Religion

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AI is increasingly making life easier, although it comes at a fairly high cost. Essentially, artificial intelligence is a little more than just machines with human-level intelligence; it comprises a set of micro and nanotechnologies powering everyday life by taking up intelligent functions that can make rational decisions just like humans. While science fiction has wittily managed to convince us that AI is all about next-generation mechatronic megastructures exploring the space and Superman robots, the truth is fairly contrary. AI is simple and is already here with us; running our pacesetters and innumerable web applications such as Boomerang and flight autopilots (Pasick 68). In this paper, I will explore impacts of AI in the day to day life with friends, at school, with family, and in the workplace.

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A common observation across the board bears that these intelligent systems are very reliable and bugless. AI in Entertainment Spotify's weekly update works like magic, no doubt. Today, just like any other day, sunny or snowy, 75 million plus Spotify users will receive a custom and well-blend mixtape of 30 songs on the app (Pasick 24). Automated music suggestions are not native to the music streaming app, but Spotify is just a nerd in manipulating AI to beat its competitors – Pandora, Apple and Google’s music services. The recommendation is facilitated by a crafty algorithm that runs on AI, with super-intelligent functions that will sort, organize, relate and ‘reason out’ your favorite dose of music. In businesses, artificial intelligence has promoted faster customer services since its incorporation in contact centers.

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According to research, about 53% contact centers in the US are using AI to facilitate auto response, a service that temporarily engages caller before transferring to an attendant (McAllister 121). As well, 78% of these centers have reported over 52% increase in client satisfaction through brief questionnaires provided at the end of the AI facilitated calls. Cumulatively, 60% of contact centers in Texas recorded that the functionality saved 988 hours daily, translating to over 12% reduction in charges in bandwidth usage (McAllister 122). At the individual level, amazing things have been brought on board by AI. AI in Learning Artificial intelligence has its foot firmly in the classroom, and everyone seems to be falling in love with the results. Many college and high school students are well acquainted with plagiarism checking tools like Turnitin and Copyscape, which check for similarity with previously submitted articles.

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In so doing, the utilities help students avoid plagiarism, which bears severe consequences to their academic outcomes. Whereas Turnitin does not precisely reveal how the comparison works, Narula, a machine learning gig at Andela demonstrates how only AI can achieve the output. What makes Narula specific about AI and not conventional means is how the plagiarism checker can trace similarity to sources that are not within the database, those even not digitized yet, a unique feature of artificial intelligence (62). In this age of e-commerce, virtually everything is available for sale from online merchants. As such, artificial intelligence becomes a fundamental tool in finding the most relevant content for the right netizens. AI, therefore, comes in handy to collect the most relevant user data and intelligently categorize the kind of ads for each user with precision in both content and geographical location.

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One will quickly realize this phenomenon in the sense that the more one browses a particular set of content, the more related ads the user will encounter. Certainly, AI has achieved more than it was foreseen. A 2012 study by DeFrank et. Al. established that 50-63% of women who received the treatment in the US tested positive after the study (38). That forms a stunning hallmark of the battle against cancer which is on a global pace. For the Aged: While it might appeal literally like the most awkward move by AI, designing ‘home robots’ to perform the common household tasks for the aged is very futuristic and ambitious. However, Tegmark debunks the pseudo-controversy that Ai will soon overpower mankind with uncontrolled machinery with a simple observation.

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He flashbacks the opening of the millennium 2000 where people predicted that sooner, flying cars would be an order of the day. Terming the speculation as highly flawed, Tegmark assuredly affirms that AI will be legislated and regulated to safeguard mankind (18). Future Insights on AI Artificial intelligence is still in the making. Regardless of the marvelous, I have highlighted; techies still expect much on AI. In such times, driverless cars may no longer be a major issue. In conclusion, artificial intelligence is vast and its dealings unending. Importantly, the intricate tie between AI and machine learning makes it applicable virtually anywhere a computer will find useful. I have only scratched the surface of AI in relation to the six fields I deemed primarily affected.

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