The impact of environmental degradation to food security

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Sociology

Document 1

Food security, on the other hand, refers to the availability of sufficient, nutritious, and healthy food that meets the dietary needs of human beings. The food should be physically, socially, and economically available to all people across the world whenever they need it. The availability of food, therefore, guarantees food security. Environmental factors have a substantial impact on food security. This is evident in food production and supply. For instance, River Nile is the only source of water used for irrigation in Egypt. Egypt is the largest producer of fruits, such as oranges and watermelons, all grown through irrigation projects. This show the significant impact environmental factors have on food production, which guarantees food security. The Amazon forest has been experiencing regular fires.

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The Forest has been destroyed by fires, which are said to be caused by human activity. Urbanization has also affected the forest covers. People clear forests to create room for settlement and infrastructure development. This has led to the rapid encroachment into forest areas for purposes of building houses, industries, schools, and hospitals. Other infrastructural developments such as roads, railway, and pipelines have led to the clearing of forests to pave the way for the creation of such projects. This reduces the Forest covers immensely and exposes the area to limited rainfall, increased temperatures, and soil erosion activities (Way,2016,pp47) The emissions from industries are known to pollute the environment. Besides that, it has also led to increased temperatures in the world.

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The increase in temperatures does not favor crop production. The temperature leads to a reduction of moisture in the soil needed to enable the germination of seeds. The temperatures also lead to a decrease of water in the streams, rivers, and lakes. Over 70 percent of the rainfall received across the world is used in crop production. 2016,pp75). These people work together to address a problem as equal partners. We can also have a multidisciplinary person, this an individual with qualifications in more than one academic discipline, for example, two degrees. Such an individual can occupy the position of about two or three people in a multidisciplinary team. Over time, a multidisciplinary team does not initially lead to a decrease or increase in the number of academic disciplines.

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The effects of environmental degradation directly affect food production. This is evident in the fact that over 70 percent of the rainfall is used in agriculture to grow cash crops. So, whenever the level of raindrops, the crop yield is directly affected. The plants need moisture to grow and not wither. One of the requirements for a seed to germinate is moisture (Horton,et al. C. , Jones, A. D. , & Parsons, D. (2018) Agricultural systems research and global food security in the 21st century: An overview and roadmap for future opportunities. & Senbeta, F. Reframing the food–biodiversity challenge Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 32(5), 335-345. Rojas, R. V. , Achouri, M. Sonnino, R. The new geography of food security: exploring the potential of urban food strategies.  The Geographical Journal, 182(2), 190-200.

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