The Importance of Weight Management

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Health Care

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This is because the different classes of food have different and distinct functions in the body. Like the rest of the people, my body reacts differently to the three main classes of food. Proteins are used in the body to build body tissues through the synthesis of the amino acids present in the protein. With an excessive amount of proteins in the body, it is expected that the body will synthesis more tissues from the excess proteins helping in the growth of body organs. My body reacts to excess proteins through the growth of body tissues which has led to me gaining weight. Excess fats are stored in the body in the form of fats in the adipose tissue and used as a protective layer around vital organs and in the regulation of body temperature.

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My body reacts to excess fats by storing it on the adipose tissue leading to an increase in body weight. Reflections I had varied reactions to the way my body reacted to the different classes of food. In particular, I was not happy about the increase in body weight as a result of excess fats and proteins in the body. My body was also not effective in regulating the number of blood sugars synthesized from excess carbohydrates in the body. However, if the liver cannot produce enough insulin to absorb all the excess blood sugar in the bloodstream, the individual will be at risk of developing diabetes (Lamb, et al. Proteins are also absorbed in the body in the form of amino acids.

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These acids are used in the formation of body tissues. Therefore, proteins are important for the repair of worn out body tissues. However, according to percolation theory, when there are excess amino acids in the body, body cells either synthesize them into energy, although not readily or stores them in body tissues leading to increased body weight. Moreover, fats are necessary for the absorption of vitamins and minerals in the body. However, excess fats lead to excess absorption and deposit in the adipose tissue and around body organs leading to increased body weight (Lamb, et al. Excess deposition around organs which need movements such as the heart and the lungs may also strain the organs putting them at risk of failure.

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Testing and Application I tested the different principles of the different classes of food by consuming an excess amount of each and analyzing the reaction in my body. Through the consumption of excess carbohydrates, my body started recording a high amount of blood sugars. Salads and vegetables are rich in fiber, vitamin C, vitamin, A, proteins, minerals and other antioxidants. It is important to note that some salads and vegetables also contain calories. It is these calories from vegetables and salad that perhaps have contributed to my gradual weight gain over the years. Eating vegetables and salads have helped me in controlling borderline diabetes. When this type of diabetes is controlled, my blood pressure restores to normal. Although some vegetables contain calories, the nutritional values that consists of vitamins and fibers outweigh the effects of calories.

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Therefore, I would still prefer to eat a lot vegetables and salads to help me control my borderline diabetes. Generalizations, Principles and Theories Vitamins and minerals are very crucial ingredients especially in disease prevention. They have alternative medicinal value and they can be used for preventive purposes. Vegetables and salads are rich in vitamins and minerals. Types of water soluble vitamins include vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B9, Vitamin B12, vitamin H, and vitamin C. These types of vitamins can be obtained from foods such as tomatoes, spinach, eggplant, Brussels sprout, soybeans, mushrooms, peanuts, and pumpkin. Since my diet is mainly consisted of vegetables and salad, I have higher chances of benefiting from all these forms of vitamins.

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I have low chances of suffering from vitamin deficiency conditions. This implies that I am able to maintain healthy living standard. Minerals can be classified into two categories namely macrominerals and microminerals. Macrominerals include calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and salt. Phosphorus deficiency can cause premature birth. Since my baby was born with normal conditions, I can conclude that the I have enough concentration of phosphorus in my body. All these types of macrominerals can be om obtained from vegetarian diets. Medical professionals did not know about vitamins and mineral deficiencies until during the 20th century. This discovery led to the development of research in the field of nutrition. Diseases such diabetes, heart conditions, and obesity are caused by improper nutrition. Vegetables contain almost all types of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

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Eating vegetables as well the balanced diet guarantees one a healthy living. I gave birth to a healthy baby and I am also able to carry out my daily activities without health constraints. Sub Topic 3 Discuss major nutritional guidelines to decrease heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis. Description Heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis are conditions that can be caused by improper diets. Heart diseases can be caused by the lack of some essential minerals in the body. Osteoporosis which affects the born is a of a result of Vitamin C which can be obtained from vegetables and salads. When I consume vegetables, I uptake minerals that boost my immune system that preventing other diseases from attacking my body. Generalizations/Principles/Theories Heart disease is one of the most common killer diseases in America.

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Risk factors for contracting the disease include smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol as well as poor nutrition. High cholesterol in the body puts one at high risk of suffering from the disease. The high cholesterol in the blood can result from the consumption of foods which contain high cholesterol (Bhupathiraju, 2011). While in most cases the malicious growth of the cells is as a result of other factors independent of nutrition, such as smoking and excessive alcohol intake, appropriate nutrition may help mitigate the effect of the malicious cells in the body. Fruits and vegetable have an anti-toxic value which can help eliminate the toxic substances in the body which are responsible for the growth of the malicious cells. Maintain an appropriate body weight also comes in handy in preventing cancer, especially cancer of the kidney, breast, endometrium and the esophagus.

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