The role of matter in making homes and city spaces secure

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Sociology

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In this way, people can be able to find solutions that impact the security of their homes and spaces within the different confines of their social contexts. According to Carter et al security in social worlds may be defined as “the state of being untroubled by nature” (2008, p. 3) or the state of being safe and free from outside interference. This definition acknowledges the authors believe that security is complex in what it means, depending on the situation and social context (2008 p. On the other hand, Carter et al. Hence, good housing as a matter plays a significant role in making homes secure by highlighting the various items, mechanisms or standards that may be used to determine physical and health hazards at the home in communities across the globe.

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Besides this example, one can look at other issues that may be a common matter that may either cause security or insecurity to individuals. One of these issues is routine. In particular, an individual’s routine plays a significant role in making homes and spaces untroubled by nature or secure in that routines create order and predictability in the behavior of individuals and in the behaviors of others (Silva, 2008). In the event that these routines are destabilized by the systems and technologies that people depend on then it makes people vulnerable such that the individual’s routine can change, causing insecurity. The ripple effect trickles down to her teachers who then have a difficult time dealing with her, and the entire class also experiences a disruption.

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From this example, one is able to see the relationship between matter in the home and matter in the city spaces in that the occurrences at the home influence a person’s behavior outside. All in all, identifying the “who” allows one to identify the various issues that can affect their security, regardless of the social constructs. In this way, one is able to find out the various matters of insecurity in their lives. As a result, common solutions can be found and these solutions can be tailored to the “who” to suit the different social constructs. Therefore this matter plays a significant role in making our homes and spaces secure by highlighting the common issues that should be addressed by parents in order to make homes secure for their children.

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From who are they being protected from? As discussed, security has a complex meaning. Insecurity is equally complex in that it transcends financial, social, physical and psychological issues (Carter et al. , 2008) and it relates to additional concepts of danger, risk, and isolation. So once one can identify the “who” and “who is to protect” then they can find solutions to matter that would make homes and city spaces secure. Therefore, it is important to understand from who the “who” is to be protected from such that urban imaginaries can slowly be eliminated, restoring the sense of security among people. In this case looking for relevant solutions to urban imaginaries as the matter, plays a significant role in making homes and city spaces secure.

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Conclusion All in all, the state of being safe and untroubled by nature may vary among the different social contexts. This is because the matters that cause insecurity may be common across borders such as the urban imaginaries, poor housing, and shelter, shifts in daily routines at the home, as well as the different ways parents nurture their children from an early age. These matters play a role in making homes and cities secure by providing an objective common ground to people from different social contexts, by highlighting the common objective causes of insecurity and universal solutions applicable to them despite their differences in beliefs and cultures. Silva, E. B. Security, the self and the home. Watson, S. Security in the city.

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