The Will of God as a Way of Life Analysis

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Religion

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For that reason, this essay seeks to discuss four questions to help the reader understand how the book “The Will of God as a Way of Life” gave Sittser a clearer and thoughtful picture about the will of God. Question 1 Before reading the book, I seemed to understand the will of God in my life. I believed that I was destined to become a Chiropractor; with a major in Exercise Science; hence, I interacted with the best Chiropractor of the time to gain an understanding of what I need to practice to understand a human body. After completing high school education, I had made up my mind that Chiropractor is the course I will pursue in college; thus, when told about other courses like Pharmacy, I felt that they were a distraction towards me achieving my goal of becoming a Chiropractor.

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However, after enrolling as a Chiropractor student in the University, I realized that the course was making life in college hard since it required extensive reading to understand nutrition and exercise. Finally, I realized that the will of God is not documented in the bible to enable human beings to avoid wrongful presumption and anxiety that they have in life. As such, after reading the book, I changed my view about the will of God since I understood how conventional thinking enabled one to have one particular will that God has planned for you. Question 2 Chapter two dispels fears that humans have when they make a wrong choice in life, when they feel that God is playing hide and seek with them, and when it makes them believe that the choice made makes them feel preoccupied with a view that the will of God just lies ahead.

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The chapter has impacted on how I make decisions regarding the will of God. First, I realized that the will of God on human life is not documented in the bible. The author gives an instance of a 19th-century philosopher who told a story about a man who was invited for dinner but was killed by a falling roof tile while going for dinner. In spite of accepting the invite, he did not show up. People should, therefore, be concerned about the present since things can change when planned for the future like the man who was killed despite promising to go to the party. For that reason, the chapter has enabled me to trust in God about the future by focusing on current issues. “As I struggled with the issue of discovering God’s will, I came to a startling conclusion.

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The experience that I encountered through the use of the Internet and social media taught me to be slow and keen when making judgments. It enabled to understand that the will of God wants human beings to patients and optimistic that all that there is always good things in store for us. For that reason, we should resist actions that will affect the relationship that we have with God. According to Sittser, "God's will for us is to choose the quality of life over quantity of options, to slow down and integrate our lives as best as we can, and to build a friendship with people who know the whole of us, not just isolated parts of us. This will challenge us to resist and even reverse some of the trends of the contemporary culture.

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Question 4 The chapter offers solutions to the obstacles that people experience in their lives as they aim to live according to the will of God. Obstacles tend to prevent humans from understanding the will of God. For that reason, the author argues that for an individual to live an exemplary life as per the will of God, they ought to be Obedient to themselves, friends, family members, and to God. Being obedient enables one to the patient and to believe on current issues that affect their life while also trusting that God has a plan for tomorrow; hence, they should not be worried about the future. Obedience gives people the freedom and options to choose things that will enable them to believe and have faith in the will of God. Human beings cannot live without the guidance of God.

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For that reason, the book “The will of God as a way of life” by Jerry Sittser gives steps that we should follow to live as per the will of God. Sittser hems human beings reframe their priorities by directing their focus on current issues than future. Work Cited Top of Form Sittser, Gerald L.  The Will of God As a Way of Life: Finding and Following the Will of God.

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