To End a Life or Not To

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Health Care

Document 1

Out of the 50 people, only 36 responded. From the results, it is evident that society is still divided on this topic. Almost 65 % of the respondents agree that suicide was morally right and should be allowed, while others rejected the idea. Regardless, people retain the autonomy to end their life if they are more useful to the family dead. A person has moral rights to kill themselves as it in line with personal freedom, and their deaths would relieve pain, promote dignity, and result in financial gain. Equally, no one should be forced to stay alive. If people want to kill themselves, they should be left alone to carry out the act. As a human right, individuals are entitled to choosing when and how they die.

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Again, government and other social legislation have no right to impose their will on the person. Legislation prohibiting such a practice is a gross breach of personal rights (Joiner 17). In some countries, like Switzerland and Oregon State, assisted suicide is allowed because it is a pain reliever. Stopping one's life spares the victim emotional and physical pain, meaning that death is a necessity for peace. Comparatively, the family will be free from pain caused by the individual. It is emotionally draining to take care of a person that entirely relies on the family member. Such people are known to create differences among other family members (Morris 487). Hence, it is an individual’s responsibility to retain this dignity to the last moment.

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Already feeling like a burden to the family, suicide is an attempt at restoring one’s control. Most people feel underappreciated by their family members, which affects how they view themselves (Oliker). However, choosing to die and how to die returns this dignity to them. Effectively, they feel dignified in their attempt of suicide. Criminal family members feel that their absence would save the family a lot of money. Some people drain their family financially with their existence. High medical bills, nutrition costs, and even bail could increase the cost of living for family members (Joiner 28). In the existing harsh economy, it is little wonder that such families hardly make any economic progress. Also, some wealthy criminals might leave their families a fortune, which they could not enjoy if the criminal family members had not committed suicide.

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It would not achieve their goal of providing relief for the family; instead, it would provide much grief for their family members. Being alive, however, creates a chance that things will eventually get better. Conversely, being alive does not have any guarantees that things would eventually get better. For some people, the longer they are alive, the more they suffer, for instance, a terminally ill patient (Meier 263). Such people get worse with each day, adding to the burden their families face. In this regard, it not sinful to choose to die. Moreover, God would not want to see his beings suffer (Van Orden 540). Therefore, if death would give suicidal persons and their families peace, it is justified. Additionally, some people do not believe in God.

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