Unity in Division essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Religion

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However, the definitions of morality differ amongst the people and thus, people act according to their own Dharma, that is, what they think is right or wrong. The practice of Dharma in Hinduism is demonstrated through activities such as carrying out rituals, worshipping and going to the temple among others. The various laws and duties defined within the religion have a supernatural origin and believers follow this practice in their own ways. Hinduism roots its belief in God as a supernatural personality who is strict on morality and virtuousness of His people. The idea of living a moral life begins from the believing in God as a supreme being who is capable of punishing law breakers and rewarding those who keep its rules(Lekani 2018).

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People who have such lifestyles, however, are called humanists with the attitude of trusting science and sidelining religion is called humanism. This group has attracted millions of the world's populations who also feel that there is no truth in religion and supernatural beliefs. The attitude and group, however, is seen to have shortage of moral values but still share lifestyle, ethics, and good relationship with others(Lekani 2018). They fail to have a specific reference in which their morals are developed. The key thing they dispute is that you do not necessarily need to be promised something in future to do the right thing. It is, however, important to note that Hindus belief in Karma which accumulates and affects the situation of the next life.

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This makes it a responsibility of every Hindu to do the right things to escape pain and sufferings. A Hindu, therefore, need to seek lifestyle guidance which promotes how to cope up with pains and sufferings(Sarah 2007). It is important to advise a Hindu that however much pain you face in life, there is good to enjoy afterward and the end of that painful experience will finally come. Hindus must believe that pain is part of life and God is watching from above. There is, however, comprehensive framework which they develop counter this. Being that they do not believe in any influence of supernatural being in our lives or in the after-life, humanists believe that all rewards and punishments come to human beings in their lifetime and are a consequence of their actions.

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Therefore, one gets either a reward or a punishment in form of pain and suffering because of their actions(Lekani 2018). In this regard, humanists need a framework which helps them to cope with pain and suffering in life. Suffering is part of life and some of them are beyond human control. Instead, the Humanists accept pain and suffering as part of life that results from our actions and the comfort and solidarity that they seek at such times comes from their relationships or within themselves. However, there are more similarities in providing help for such people though the differences in beliefs exist(Lekani 2018). The major difference is on supernatural and beliefs associated with karma as the path to getting pain and suffering or preventing pain and suffering.

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The notion of doing the right thing always cuts across both sides and belief of one’s actions that leads to consequences is also common with both. Morality and ethics The concept of morality and ethics is viewed as both as an individual responsibility as well us universal responsibility to everyone in the society. They choose to diet in that manner because they believe consumption of animal products inflicts pain and trauma in the animals in the preparation process. The maintenance of diet is not only a responsibility of ladies but also men. On the side of humanists, ethics is based on practices which can be proved to be positive and portray morals. These are practical tests which have been proven to make people happy and make them live a stress-free life.

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For instance, living well with others, doing the right thing, and pleasing other people. Humanists consider the Hinduism way of inflicting morals as being forceful and has no democracy in it. Thus, the humanists believe that through autonomy and responsibility one should be able to distinguish between bad and good when it comes to good practices, morals, and ethics. From this angle, though there is a difference in the way morals are ensured by Hindus and Humanists, the outcome is purely morals and ethics. However, Hinduism seem stricter than Humanism in the way its set of ethics are laid in the Vedas. For example, ladies not allowed to take meat, punishment from god over past sins committed by one and many other consequences.

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This is a belief that a person's ailments might have come from his own karma(Sharma n. d). Sacrifices and fasting are ways in which one is purified from his past wrong doings. However, fasting is one’s own responsibility without any forceful rule. This excludes the sick, young, and aged to maintain good health(Sharma n. This is where one believes that supernatural being is the provider of life and the other take it that drugs and good health is just enough to ensure one lives a successful and healthy life. Conclusion. In as much as there are differences in the way Humanists and Hindus believe, there are significant similarities which can be pointed out. As such both groups need to seek ways of exploring how to live their lives better.

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