Vaccines Have Side Effects Essay
Document Type:Thesis
Subject Area:Philosophy
Vaccination, also called immunization, is a process where living organisms are injected with dead or killed microorganisms, and sometimes live virulent microorganisms in a bid to attain artificially induced immunity for a specific disease outbreak. Vaccination is an issue that has sparked debates for years now, with discussions revolving around their efficiency, reliability, and safety. With the debates, the critical issues or questions that parents have to contend with is whether or not to vaccinate their children or not, and if so, when and with which kind of drugs. From a general perspective, the primary purpose of vaccination is to eliminate diseases, prevent severe side effects produced by some diseases, and the prevention of epidemics and pandemics. Some parents have actively chosen not adopt vaccination of their children. Imperatively, the side effects resonate to carry heavy weight in matters that generally bring to the death of the person and at high chances than other provided channels.
Nonetheless, it must be remembered that failure to vaccinate the same children also comes at a serious cost, with such risks not only meeting the individual’s child or children but to the others’ as well. In this utterance it is correct to ascertain that also the avoidance of this vaccination does not offer or guarantee a systematic livelihood of a child away from the side effects, but deepens to expose the child’s or children weakness in the body ready for attacks by foreign materials. The study for instance, a mother decides not to vaccinate her child, having assessed the potential risks involved, making a decision that the risks involved do not compare with the potential benefits offered by the vaccines2. In her own thinking and assessment, the mother provides to have or contain wrongful perception pertaining their children exposure to other diseases and given the weighty important thing that the whole situation carries along.
On the flip side of it, it would be a bit unjustifiable and unreasonable for the mother to leave her child at that age at home as she went about her routine duties. It also doesn’t make sense to argue that the mother remained at home till the child became of age where such threats as deaths and diseases had gone past. The mother’s action was purely entitled to offer a protective gear or provision and under which she cared to secure the life of her own child, and immaturely not taking caution of other parties within the environment or society they all exist. From these arguments however, it is very reasonable to conclude that one is supposed to do things or act in ways that lead to protect the lives of others, and not engage in acts that apparently lead to direct injury or death of others.
With that, they become blatantly liable for their actions. They hold that vaccination has been of immense benefits to the masses for centuries and still counting, and that immunization has ensured the elimination of major infectious diseases, scourges among the masses and also reduced in the process, the high mortality rates. This development has brought about a series of discourse on the subject, eliciting controversial debates from political figures, the social leaders like the church, and the medical professionals opposing vaccination considering the program as great violation of human liberty and the integrity of the body. Their opinions contradict what many might think as the essence for this whole process an initiative provide by government as well as non-government organization to ensure the safety of the people is under guaranteed situations.
They figure out about not what proceeds or beneficial aspects that seem to appear with the induction into the process, but to what they prospect to be effects carried along by such provision. To them, vaccination has ill consequences and bear serious side effects of very significant proportions. It is always an act on normal situation for such occurrence of negative aspirations appearing in a situation perceived to only contain and control the positive applications. On the same breath, one particular vaccine that has been proven to bear severe medical concerns is the MMR vaccine that may end up causing autism on the child the drug is administered on. The MMR vaccine acts as one of the negative effects that might arouse within this section of administering the vaccination procedure to the children and which cannot be prospected to just be in occurrence.
It is also advisable not to apply rubella to girls till they become of mature age. This is the age when girls are capable of contacting infections based on their sexual activity and is better placed to respond to natural immunity. Some of these parents have vehemently opposed vaccination based on scientific grounds, claiming that the drugs contain very harmful side effects. The claim based on their own understanding and analysis cannot just be washed away given the weighty revelation matters it provides within the segment and their thinking capability6. The opposition does not generate out of just uttering words but from their reasoning on occurrence of side effects caused by the vaccination. Others have resisted the same on moral grounds, citing that some of the vaccines have been derived from cells of babies from abortion.
This essay, therefore, bases its arguments on the conscientious objectors, to address the same. Having this in mind, the respect for individual beliefs as pertains to vaccine use should both be understood and sympathized with, but at the same time, be met with opposition depending on the grounds in which such debates arise and on what basis. It should not be provided to just articulate one’s personal opinion or beneficial aspect at the expense of the general population. Those with the contrary opinions based on their personal viewpoints and triggered with their religious beliefs is something that should be respected. While at it, they should be alive to the fact that refusing to take or administer vaccines to their children is tantamount to killing. The argument should all be based on the factual application of protecting the lives of as many people as possible other than having our own interests ride over other people’s welfare and well-being7.
So, with this new development, it becomes apparent that the rates of mortality among infants and children will only go on the upward scale. Works Cited Schuklenk, Udo and Ricardo Smalling. “Why Medical Professionals Have No Moral Claim to Conscientious Objection Accommodation in Liberal Democracies. ” Journal of Medical Ethics: The Journal of the Institute of Medical Ethics, 43(4), 234-240. p.
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