What is the difference between ethics and morality

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Subject Area:Technology

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Ethics refers to the norms shared by a group based on mutual and reciprocal recognition. The shared mutual intelligibility refers to the ability of the rule to be understood as shared by the community. The more a society is fully integrated, the higher the mutuality of intelligibility. Ethics is therefore the compass of idyllic systems of life established by individuals for use in their community. It comprises the beliefs that individuals, as honest and accountable human beings set to themselves. Ethics and morality also differ in terms of scope. Ethics are much broader while morality is narrow in scope. Ethics examines the moral standards of a community to determine whether the standards reasonably or unreasonably align in a concrete situation. Morality, on the other hand, addresses individuals’ need for belonging and emulation.

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Another difference is that while ethics originate from external factors such as the social systems, morality originates from individuals. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit ruled that a warrant was needed to access cell tower data. What court(s) must follow this ruling and why? The courts that must follow the U. S Court of appeals for the 11th circuit ruling that a warrant was needed to access cell tower data is the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals and the Human rights court to use the mobile data in deciding the outcome of the case. Also, the 11th circuit found that the warrantless collection of data violated Davis’s constitutional rights as stipulated in the 4th amendment of the United States Constitution. In Davis, the police wanted to access cell site information which detailed the cell phone tower used in phone connections to implicate Davis of seven separate robberies in and around Miami, Florida.

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According to Privacy & security (2010), under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, searching digital data should be conducted in the presence of a valid search warrant. Thus, relying on SCA to search Davis’s cell phone information tower contradicted this Act, and therefore, the 11th circuit and Human rights courts should adhere to the ruling in making future decisions to avoid infringing on individuals rights. Recently, Facebook Inc. was under fire following reports that the personal data of 50 million users were obtained by Cambridge Analytica (an analytics firm) that helped elect President Donald Trump. Lawmakers and regulators in the U. I believe collecting peoples information without their consent and using the data to support a politician against their will is unethical. The use of this personal data violates the mutual intelligibility between Facebook and its users as the company is expected to protect the users’ rights against infringement.

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The controversy over the Facebook’s breach of mutual intelligibility embodies a critical problem with the inadequacy of traditional perspectives of informed consent in the context of Facebook’s data scandal. Ethically, informed consent refers to when an individual with full decision-making ability to who complete declarations have been made, and who totally understands these declarations, willingly agrees to an activity. As such, when personal data is solicited for political gains, individuals have a right to be notified about what will happen to their data and use this information to willingly agree to take part in the activity or opt out. Contextually, Cambridge analytics accessed users’ data without a search warrant and thus violated the 4th amendment of human rights. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently issued a report titled, “Data Brokers: A Call for Transparency and Accountability.

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” What is the role of the FTC with respect to consumer privacy? What is the significance/impact of this report? The role of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is to protect consumers from the various types of frauds such as fraud calls. FTC aims at protecting consumers from unfair and deceptive behaviors by collecting information and investigating fraud malpractices. According to Federal Trade Commission (FTC) (n. The legislation will facilitate the creation of a centralized mechanism where data brokers can explain themselves and their information collection and use practices, and provide consumers with links to access tools and opt-outs. This significantly improves the accountability of data brokers. The report is also essential in enhancing transparency by ensuring that data brokers have substantiation. The impact of FTC is also evident the Report’s remedial authority to prevent unfair and deceptive practices in consumer’s privacy and data security matters (Federal Trade Commission.

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Lastly, FTC report is essential in preventing consumers from unfair product prices. Copyrights protect original artistic, musical, and literary works, including software. The Electronic Frontier Foundation suggests that “Copyrights and patents, for example, are supposed to encourage authors and inventors to create new things by helping them receive some compensation for that investment. At the same time, copyright and patent law put limits on authors’ and inventors’ rights such as Fair Use”. Thus, fair use doctrines help in safeguarding the copyright rights of the owner of the material. Fair Use of copyrighted material relies on four factors to access its legitimacy; the purpose and character of use such as for commercial or nonprofit purposes, the nature of the copyrighted work, the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted material as a whole, and lastly the effect of the use upon the value of the copyrighted material.

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Fair Use and Intellectual Property: Defending the Balance. Retrieved from: hps://www. eff. org/issues/intellectual-property Federal Trade Commission (FTC) (n. d. Hazard, Jr. J. C. Yale Law School. Law, Morals, and Ethics. upenn. edu/journals/lawreview/arcles/volume154/issue3/Solove154 U. Pa. L. Rev.

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