What is the importance of public speaking

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Technology

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These stages are the essentials of communication that include correspondent, message, indoctrination, channel, receiver, deciphering, and feedback. It is often an incessant and vibrant inter-action both touching and exaggerated by several variables such as noise. The language skills is another aspect of communication that significantly affect how individuals exchange the information. The language skills are the sets of four competencies that give a person an opportunity to understand and produce spoken language for proper and operational interactive communication. These skills include listening, speaking, reading and writing. The teaching or language requires extensive research to maximise the efficiency of the teaching methods as a means of developing better learning skills. On an individual basis, the study has a significant contribution. Direct from learning, communicating with others, seeking employment and even conducting different transaction across the world requires the speaking skills.

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Improved in the communication skills will therefore often necessitate a better life to the individuals. Across the globe, individuals are often faced with a dilemma involving the devising the most effective measures to ensure that they accommodate every aspect of the target language. Language skills are the essential aspect of the entire world as all people across nations use it. Business transaction cannot be facilitated without proper speaking skills, and therefore the paper has a contribution to the country at large. Adequate communication skills will often make communication process more easy and thus successful business transaction between nations. Negotiations among nations is another significant aspect that guarantees nation’s security and well-being. To facilitate consultation, there ought to be an agreement between the nations with parties involved.

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This is because it is an essential tool for the well-being of an individual in the society. Various researchers have been conducted around the world on communication skills but have failed to justify the need for speaking as an aspect of language skills. It is of this notion that I undertake to research on the significance of speaking skills and in what way the skills can be improved. Research Objectives General objective The purpose of the study is to analyze how important speaking skill is and the ways to improve appropriate speaking skills. Specific objectives I. Although learning a written version of a language may be entirely automatic, we also have to consider how students learn and practice new languages. Oral practice requires a lot of strategic management of teaching methods since different people from various ethnicities may encounter different problems in the pronunciation of multiple words.

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Therefore, to acquire the skills of a language, it is necessary to practice doing activities s such as holding debates and other interactive sessions. Speaking skills s are therefore more important, and there are various measures that help to improve the speaking skills. That has been discussed. DuBrin, (2015) on the other hand, explains that proper speaking skills often leads to an appropriate transaction of business. In his argument, he holds that for a transition to occur between a buyer and a seller, there should be proper communication between the two parties. For instance, in the past, a business transaction was often hindered by dialogue. Individuals came, from different places had no common language of communication, and as a result, there was no understanding between one another posing challenges to transactions.

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Today, the business transaction has been made easier due to improved speaking skills. Talking as you record yourself have often led to improved speaking skills. Listen to the record and try to correlate the information with what’s in books or other published sources, this will help create confidence and therefore improved speaking. Reading aloud is another aspect that has a significant contribution to the improvement in the speaking skills. An individual reading loud will always listen to himself and therefore correct and try to perfect on the speaking skills. This is also appropriate for the individuals who do not have the recording devices. Pausing and pace are the important attributes considered under the development of flow. Choosing a mastery topic is another significant step considered while attempting to improve the speaking skills.

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An individual is often required to select a topic in which he or she can present to a larger crowd with ease and fluently. Development of a style to speak is another aspect that individuals need to take into consideration which he or she won’t get difficulty while communication. Daily practising is another step that an individual ought to conduct and finally practice speaking at an event. K. , Nakayama, T. K. , & Martin, J. N. Carter, R. , & McCarthy, M. Vocabulary and language teaching. Routledge. Chollet, M. J. Leadership: Research findings, practice, and skills. Nelson Education. Gautam, D. G. Kautz, T. , Heckman, J. J. , Diris, R. , Ter Weel, B. Wagner, T. The global achievement gap: Why even our best schools don't teach the new survival skills our children need and what we can do about it.

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