What is the technology and what does it do

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Religion

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While phone call making is a major application of the technology, smartphones have the ability to offer direction through the use of GPRS, take high-quality photos, play music as well as maintain appointments and contracts. Besides, smartphones have provided a wide range of communication options including emailing, video calling and conferencing (Jung 1). The technology also offers communication through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Through smartphones, users are able to browse through web pages regardless of their location. The technology can as well offer everything accessible via computer including games and streaming of videos. Android also has the ability to run many applications at the same time, making it more convenient. Apart from Android, the smartphone technology also uses iOS for iPhones, Windows as well as Ubuntu.

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Why is this technology, revolutionary? The smartphone technology is a revolutionary. The revolution of the technology can be attributed to the ever-changing world technological landscape. Incubation of new technology advancements is an ongoing process and is aimed at ensuring that the generation of smartphones used would offer a higher level of convenience. How has this technology changed or promise to change media? The smartphone technology has revolutionized the ways of gathering and disseminating information from one place to another. Various entities such as the security personnel and government communication organs can easily get alerts of possible security threats through mobile applications developed to combat crime. In the ancient times, journalism was all about the movement from one place to another to collect information.

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However, with the introduction and development of smartphone devices, journalists can easily gather information by making calls from their area comfort. Moreover, video conferencing has changed the manner in which executive meetings are held since meetings can be conducted without parties being physically present. Moreover, the advancement of the technology can be attributed to Apple, the monopoly that uses iOS on their devices. Essentially, Apple is seen as the only worthy competitor to Samsung in the smartphone industry. Nokia and Microsoft companies also produce smartphone devices. Through the use of Windows, which is simple to operate and also enables for easy customization, the firms have gained an entrenchment in the industry and are seen as rivals to other giant companies such as Samsung and Apple.

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Other than the firms above, Blackberry is also another company with wide range of adoption of the smartphone technology. What is this technologies market share in the US and World? The ownership and usage of smartphones have tremendously increased globally over the years. In the US alone, Pew Research Center (1) estimates the total number of cellphone ownership at 95%. Of the total, the prevalence of smartphone usage in the US stands at 77%, which is an upsurge from approximately 35% in 2011 (Pew Research Center 1). Overall, the change in the trend of doing business has also seen an increase in the smartphone devices globally. While the US leads in the use of the technology, other nations, especially in Asia and the Middle East have also made advancements in the adoption of the technology.

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