William Shakespeares Literary Greatness

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Religion

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Assumptions and Limitations 4 1. Definition of Terms 4 2. Design of the Study 4 3. Findings 5 5. Conclusion and Recommendations for Further Investigation 6 Works Cited 6 Abstract This report is an analysis of the literally greatness of William Shakespeare. He can be considered as one of the artists that reached literary greatness because many have showered him with praises and criticized him in equal measure (Hunt, 87). Literary greatness includes the ability to appeal to a good portion of readership resulting in literary success (Nowlin, 57). Others see literary greatness as having a huge impact on the collective evolution of writing and literary thought and yet others say a great literature provides meaning to every human being that reads it. Does Shakespeare’s work satisfy these views? 1. Purpose of the study The works of Shakespeare have been talked about whether passively or actively by most people.

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Playwright – this is the author of plays. Design of the Study To obtain the objectives of the study, an exploratory research method was used. It involved using secondary data especially reviewing available literature. Secondary data is the data that was obtained in a primary research (Creswell, 218). This study relied on literature review, historical references, and past experience to collect data. Moreover, Shakespeare has been described as being inventive as a dramatist. His unparalleled use of language, his insight into human experience and the ability of using the language to inform the human experience (Bevington, 533). Shakespeare is acknowledged for contemporary themes and although there is a decline in the formal study of Shakespeare, his work continues to have high cultural cachet and is esteemed to be of permanent and ever-renewing value. He is recognised as a supreme playwright, actor and poet who has multiple affinities with an Indian ‘classical vision of art’ defined by openness and a harmonizing viewpoint.

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However, Ben Jonson faulted him for not having a proper command of classical English even as he lauded him (Pearce, 32). With his ability to play with words and use of classical English made him draw attention to multiple audiences. Furthermore, some of the words and phrases used in everyday conversations owe their origin from his works. His works has been meaningful to the readership and has influenced a large portion of people thus literally great. Literary greatness lies in how much a literary work endures and the appeal to the imagination of every age thus passing an effective wisdom which is in the end a revelation of human existence (Nowlin, 201). It seems that the ability to give a realistic work that is meaningful to society is the most influential factor in determining literally greatness.

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Print. Creswell, John W.  Research Design. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, Inc, 2014. Print.  The Routledge Research Companion to Shakespeare and Classical Literature. London: Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2017. Print. MacInnes, Ian. Who Was William Shakespeare?: An Introduction To The Life And Works By Dympna Callaghan. Print.

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