Wiper blade case study draft

Document Type:Case Study

Subject Area:Management

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This problem is costing the department idle time since the truck cannot function without the blade. At this point, the question is whether the problem is due to human error in data entry or it is due to technical challenges given the make-up of the new system. Either way, an immediate and appropriate solution must be found given the potential long-term benefits of this system. Issues Other issues noted in the case that could have contributed to the main issue include 1. There was general resistance of the new integrated system especially for the staff who had used the old system for nearly 10 years. Since Elaine Carter understood the longer-term benefits of the new system, she neglected the need to get the good will of the rest of the staff in the short-run.

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The new system failed to provide a means through which an individual placing an order can confirm if the order was received by the purchases and supply department. The individual who placed the order failed to do an immediate follow up to confirm success in the placing of the order. There was no notification from the purchases and supply department on the current pending orders which were yet to be full-filled. Therefore, it was not possible for the departments to confirm if their order was being processed. d. b) Weakness The new integrated system limits the online ordering to 10 major customers and then relegates the rest to use manual ordering for their supplies. Besides, there is an increase in the staff workload since the new system has 7 input screens compared to the previous system which had only one input screen (Tri-City, n.

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d. This has resulted into a lowered level of service to the end users. Political Analysis The politics of Canada function within a framework of parliamentary democracy and federal system of parliamentary government with strong democratic traditions. The government has three parts which include the federal, provincial and municipal (Montpetit, & Foucault, 2012). Various legislations on procurement are made and passed in the national parliament and in the provinces. Within the provinces, the elected representatives get involved in the demanding accountability from the employees in various departments within the municipalities. b. The municipalities across Canada have been increasing their cumulative operating spending due to issues such as growing population and the need to improve and offer better services. c. Social Analysis Canadian people have a sense of belonging to their community and country as is demonstrated by their participation in civic, community and volunteer activities.

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They value the social and family relationships that they have with one another and there is a presence of social safety to all the citizens. The Canadian society is considered to be very progressive, diverse and multicultural. f. Legal Analysis Procurement in Canada is governed by rules that arise from various legislations, treaties and directives. The decision is made in courts and tribunals by judges and adjudicators. Governance of procurement is based on fairness, transparency, and value for the public dollars. Most of laws require that contract awards be based on open competitions above a stipulated threshold. Besides, a system should be in place to inform all the departments of the available pre-orders before the periodic purchases are done so that every department is able to confirm if they orders they made have been considered.

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Recommendations The first step is to organize several training sessions on how to use the new system. The sessions will be done once every two weeks for 2 months. This implies that there will be 4 training sessions. Evaluation will be done based on the number of complaints of unsuccessful/unfulfilled orders from every department. Poushter, J. Smartphone ownership and internet usage continues to climb in emerging economies. Pew Research Center, 22, 1-44. Trading Economics (2019). Canada GDP. International Journal of Management Excellence, 2(3), 237-246. Appendix Implementation Timeline Excel Data.

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