Yin-Yang way of Thinking and the Hegelian Model

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Philosophy

Document 1

The summer is hot while the spring is warm. This is because of the rising of yang qi which itself restricts the winter cold and the autumn cool. Consecutively, the cold of winter and coolness of autumn arise as a result of the ascendancy of yin that confines the summer heat and the spring warmth. Consistent with Yin-Yang theory, this particular seasonal cycle is as a result of the joint restrictive and jointly consuming-growing events of the yin and yang. Either sect of the two opposites normally restricts and acts on the other. As concerns emphasis, the interaction between the opposites, the Yin-Yang model stresses on cooperation within, whilst the Hegelian theory emphasizes on contraries without (Jiang 2013, 10). Insofar as both models highlight equilibrium, the Yin-Yang way focuses on attaining harmony within the Yin-Yang accord through complementarity, whilst Hegelian works to attain synthesis beyond or within thesis-antithesis through the sublation (De Prycker 2011, 74).

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Zhuang Zi’s Methodological Vision Zhuang Zi’s methodological vision takes into account and implements ‘the agent-purpose-sensitivity adequacy’, ‘the perspective-relevance-recognizing adequacy’, the new-eligible-perspective-possibility-recognizing adequacy’, and the equality-status-granting adequacy’, that are anticipated for all the adequate methodological administrative principles (Brislin & Kim 2003, 40). The model regulates and controls how to pick eligible methodological perceptions as the present working perspective and also how to analyze the status of the current working perspective and its link to the other eligible perspectives: founded on one’s interest or purpose, one is authorized to concentrate on the facet of the object of research hence taking the facet-concerned perspective as the existing working viewpoint (to seize the aspect) or ‘that’ facet thus taking a broad viewpoint as the existing working perspective (to seize ‘that’ aspect), or all facets this taking a full viewpoint as the recent working perspective (to have a comprehensive account) (De Prycker 2011, 33).

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Philosophical Issue The prime philosophical issue of our age is the information and misinformation in the info age. On the other hand, each of the information presented in this info age must have a thesis. That is to mean, if information has no thesis, then it has no certain objective or meaning to the people. While analyzing the sources of information, it is vital to identify with the content and the author (Guo et al. The authenticity of the author is also important. The guiding principle in labeling an approach as applicable is the quality of message, the authenticity of the info provider and the accessibility of the info (Brislin & Kim 2003, 38). In this perspective, information has its good and bad side. And people are expected to verify any piece of information before using it, and to make sure that it does not in any way negatively influence or affect the way of life of others who never got accessed to the same information (De Prycker 2011, 67).

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On the other hand, if the same information positively impacted other person’s life, would it be an issue? It is as a result that Yin-Yan asserts that every object in the globe is made up of two opposite facets that are in constant joint interaction and restriction. All in all, it is imperative to mention that the Yin-Yan model puts all objects in perspective of two; two contrary sides which are dependent of restriction and interpretations. According to Hegelian model, the most important goal is to find synthesis beyond or within thesis-antithesis through the sublation. The model regulates and controls how to pick eligible methodological perceptions as the present working perspective and also how to analyze the status of the current working perspective and its link to the other eligible perspectives: founded on one’s interest or purpose, one is authorized to concentrate on the facet of the object of research hence taking the facet-concerned perspective as the existing working viewpoint.

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References Brislin, R. W. Kim, E. S. Tactical self-enhancement in China: Is modesty at the service of self-enhancement in East Asian culture? Social Psychology and Personality Science, 2(1), 59–64. doi: 10. De Prycker, V. Unself-conscious control: Broadening the notion of control through experiences of flow and wu-wei.  Zygon, 46(1), 5–25. Jiang, X. March 27). Chinese Dialectical Thinking-the Yin Yang Model. Retrieved July 3, 2018, from http://onlinelibrary. wiley.

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