Abortion should be a Constitutional Right research
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:English
I came up with the same set of questions to ask a Pro-Choice demonstrator and a Pro-Life Activist. I wasn't very certain if I could approach sure OB-GYN. OB-GYN "A gynecologist is a specialist in women's reproductive health. The Obstetricians do take care for women in the period of their pregnancy and just after delivery, that is, after the baby is born. They too take part in babies also delivery. Most Health Clinics like ourselves who also perform abortion procedures , provide emergency conceptions don't just provide that single service we provide a place where men a women can go to get treatment or have routine checkups , we also provide education to prevent unwanted pregnancies we have a number of different hotlines available for domestic violence depression and more" The interview with the OB-GYN itself was really Abortion and the Constitution Recently abortion has hit the headlines in the United States and many other parts of the world.
There has been a debate over the issue where some remain rigid and firm that abortion is a crime and should be abolished while others have a view that life begins after birth and that the mother of the unborn child should determine whether to keep the baby or not. Some societies are much against abortion completely while other allows it happen in some cases. For those who allow usually set down a certain age of foetus beyond which no abortion shall be done no matter the situation. In some societies some of the following have been allowed at various times: Abortion to care for mothers health. The whole issue though trying to sort it out , is contracting at some points. Considering the unborn, it has no constitutionally cognizable of preserving their own lives, the interest of the states in protecting these innocents’ lives would not be enough to compel because their interests are not considered at all.
If they would be able to express their opinions, which obvious can’t happen, would be easy to reach in a conclusion and these discussions would be gone issues (Barak, et al,. The courts argument on this matter was a kind of people deciding to remain rigid on their decision. They argued that the unborn were excluded from the constitutional rights and that the state has got no mandate to refer offenders as criminals or people who have gone against the law, murder. Abortion is currently protected by the law (Bergallo, et al,. The fourteenth amendment restricts states from denying liberty without following the right procedures of law. The right to decide about family and the right to integrity of the body. However, for abortion to be portrayed as illegitimate conservatives argue incorrectly that the court made legal in Roe v.
Wades by forming a right to privacy which is not based in the actual text of the constitution. At that time the law stated that a woman should be allowed to use contraceptives terminate a pregnancy since the state is not supposed to tamper with decision secretly made with her doctor’s permission, father , husband, pastor or other persons. Instead, Casey recognizes that the fourteenth amendment defends the right of a person to have control over her destiny and body (Bergallo, et al,. A less textually grounded right favors abortion opponents, but advocates of abortion also have tales that restrictions of abortion are basically privacy threat. William Saletan document, in the Casey run up, leaders of pro-choice stressed privacy on pollsters’ advice and political advisers to plead to the sentiments of anti-government, anti-tax, anti-welfare and anti-integration.
On the other hand, the lawyers of reproductive rights told the Supreme Court that protection of autonomy, integrity of the body and equality protected access of abortion by the constitution beyond the court, pro-choice administrators told the public that the right was privacy. President Jimmy Carter once supported legal abortion in his early political career. He generally supported rights of abortion to prevent birth faults and also encouraged the Roe outcome. Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama supported the roe decision stating that abortion should be available legally. The current President Donald Trump opposed the decision of Roe publicly by vowing to appoint pro-life lawyers to the Supreme Court. Many states have incorporated trigger laws which would resume in the event that Roe decision is overturned, in which the effected to do away with abortion laws.
Unplanned pregnancies can be significantly reduced only if we showed serious commitment to: 1) comprehensive education that is inclusive of accurate medical information about sexual abstinence and contraception; 2) provision of insurance covers of and government funding of family planning services; 3) access to emergency contraceptives to block pregnancy; and 4) programs that prevent sexual abuse and domestic violence. Clearly, women who can avoid unwanted pregnancy don’t have to the decision of performing abortion. But still having the above listed methods, we will still have abortions. Therefore in case a woman get an unwanted pregnancy there is also a second positive method that could reduce abortion which is by ensuring that she already has the means to raise her child in safety and health. Provision of low-income and women with career opportunities and education and other support like health facilities, housing and many others, many women would find themselves with the resources they would require to cater for the obligations which come along with parenting.
Understanding Human Dignity. British Academy, 2015. Bergallo, Paola, and Agustina Ramón Michel. Constitutional developments in Latin American abortion law. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 135. Smyth, Dawn, and Paula Lane. Abortion in modern health care: Considering the issues for health‐care professionals. International journal of nursing practice 22.
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