The Strange Case Of Addiction Analysis
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:English
Drug or substance abuse is among the serious problems that are facing the society; many young people are more affected as compared to older or aged individuals ("NIH Fact Sheets - Drug Abuse And Addiction. Drug abuse often leads to drug addiction, an aspect that could affect an individual’s life pattern. Identifying the causes, effects, and suggesting solutions to drug abuse can help prevent severe problems such as addiction and its related consequences. In Dr. Jeykell and Mr. Drugs are chemicals; the fact that there are various types of drugs implies that they have a different chemical structure that could have devastating effects on the body. Consuming a variety of drugs could add to the complications that the substances could have on the body. There are possibilities of permanent damage to the brain and the body that cannot be reversed even after one has successfully fought the addiction ("American Phycology Association" 1).
Inhalation, injection, and ingestion are some of the various ways that modern-day youths apply so drugs can enter their body. The drugs target the reward system either directly or indirectly by flooding it with dopamine, a neurotransmitter whose responsibility is to regulate emotion, movement, motivation, cognition, and feelings of pleasure. He is, therefore, a threat to the people around him. A second scenario is when Hyde knocks over a young girl and then runs through the street (Stevenson 3). Such an event indicates an aspect of violence. The situation could have been different if he were not drunk. He later kills a man called Carew (Stevenson 19-20). Several factors contribute to drug addiction. Some of these factors could combine to put an individual at risk. One of the factors includes genetics. The American Psychological Association suggests that Genes are important in addiction and could contribute to an individual’s half chances of getting addicted ("American Phycology Association" 1).
One of the elements of genetics is the addictive personality, kind of persons who are likely to find pleasure in doing things repeatedly, a factor that could lead to addiction. Many young people also engage in drug abuse as an adventure (Stevenson). Curiosity can be one of the driving factors that push individuals to engage in drugs. Peer influence is also to blame for the high number of drug and substance abusers in contemporary society ("NIH Fact Sheets - Drug Abuse And Addiction. Many young people consider taking of drugs as a fashionable activity ("National Institute On Drug Abuse (NIDA). Peer pressure can be manifested in kids and youths. Seeking assistance from mental illness experts is also recommended as a way of helping an individual to cope up with life challenges that could lead to drug addiction.
It is also essential for one to conduct a self-examination concerning the biological, genetical, physical, and environmental risks that could lead to drug abuse and eventual addiction. In conclusion, drug addiction is a serious problem because its implications are a threat to the well-being of the addict and the general society. The essay presents scenarios of drug addiction that are similar to the contemporary world. It is essential that individuals, government, academic institutions, and health practitioners come up with a comprehensive strategy that will help address the issue of drug abuse. gov/. NIH Fact Sheets - Drug Abuse And Addiction. Report. Nih. Gov, 2018, https://report.
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