Research paper on Grief and loss

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:English

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However, the loss does not mean it results from the death only. Also, a divorced person may experience the same kind of grief. A good example is illustrated in the novel "Ordinary people" written by Judith Guest. In the book, the issue of grief is as a result of the loss of a child in a dynamic family. In the incident, only Conrad survives among the children in the family. The approximated number of such children is about 2 million. According to Goodman (p. most of the bereaved children are those with less than 18 years. The reports are obtained from the Child Study Center for the NYU. The death of their parents has left a traumatic episode to such children. Many theories are being developed to come up with the understanding of how parental death affects the children development.

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Terms of the research. Adolescence: It is a stage or period of development in which a person experiences stress and storm when evolving from his primitive existence into an advanced level of life. In this, the individual grows physically, emotionally and psychologically (Bembry &Ericson p. Bereavement, mourning, and grief: In describing the process of grief, the behaviors, stages and reaction associated are termed as bereavement. In this research, supportive arguments will be provided to show that children grieve by mourning after their beloved ones get lost through death. According to Freud (p. mourning is described as a normal act of exposing the feelings that result from the loss of a person. The author discusses the inability of the bereaved to let such feelings quit from their mind which in turn develops a suffering of melancholia.

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The first theory of grief is referred to as the attachment theory by John Bowlby. The continuing bond is used to explain the importance of maintaining the bond that might have existed between the bereaved and the beloved parent. When a research of boys and girls was conducted, it was found that the bond that existed was very difficult to break even though nature broke it. Process of grief As stated by Archer (p. the act is described as the stress and depression that occurs to the bereaved when their beloved ones die. The situation seems very challenging to the people left since they bear with the trouble in their entire life. On the other hand, complicated grief involves a situation that occurs when an individual enters into a chronic state of mourning for the deceased.

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As a result, the bereaved do not have the capability of accepting the reality of the loss. Instead, the person yearns for the deceased ((Zhang, El-Jawahri, & Prigerson p. Moreover, the needs of the adolescent children seem to complicate the actual process of grief. The risks that influence complicated grief include the cause of death, relationship, financial status of the family and socio-economic factors. Group therapy for the adolescents is crucial especially through counseling the bereaved and it provides a way in which the therapist can observe the way adolescents interact with the group members. Conclusion and Recommendation Based on the modern research, it is clear that the bereaved children have high risks of developing pathological symptoms which include depression, PTSD, and behavioral problems. Also, the mental health effects such children and there is need to develop intervention measures.

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As a result, the self-esteem among the adolescents is weakened after the death of their parents. Moreover, the attachment theory is useful in crediting the change in the goals of the therapy of bereavement. pdf Accessed 1 February 2018 Bembry, James X. and Carolyn Ericson. Therapeutic termination with the early adolescent who has experienced multiple losses.  Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal16. ovid. aboutourkids. org/articles/grief. html Retrieved 1 February 2018. Guest, Judith.  Ordinary people. gov/pubmed/15966949 Accessed 1 February 2018 Sandler, Irwin N. et al. The family bereavement program: efficacy evaluation of a theory-based prevention program for parentally bereaved children and adolescents.  Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 71. pure. com/doi/pdf/10. Accessed 1 February 2018 Zhang, Baohui, Areej El-Jawahri, and Holly G. Prigerson. Update on bereavement research: Evidence-based guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of complicated bereavement.

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 Journal of palliative medicine 9.

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