Sex Education for Teenagers
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:English
Thus, sex education in learning institutions should be necessary for teenagers to get the relevant information, form attitudes, values, and beliefs about personality or identity and intimacy. Sex education entails affections, sexual development, gender roles and body image. The global sexual health association states that to achieve reproductive health every person including the teenagers should get access to comprehensive sexual education. Sex Education for Teenagers Sexual education into learning institutions has been a controversial subject for many years with some critics stating that introducing it in schools will promote sexual activities among the teenagers ("Sexuality education – what is it?", 2015). Contrary to the knowledge of many, sexual; education encompasses all the instructions that relate to human sexuality. The best place for one to get sex education would be in learning institutions and home settings.
In as much as it is assumed that sex education should do by the parents, it would be of benefit if the subject is introduced to all schools. To support this idea that teenager education is essential, in the past few years, the issue of a sex education has been brought to everybody’s attention and is now a full-on controversial topic. It has become a more contentious issue because of the impacts it has had on the teens as well as the generation before the ones to come after. It is a common phenomenon to see more young people with pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, and even others dropping out of school. Teenagers should be taught about the sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, and birth control methods. On sexual practices, they are provided with information on abstinence and sexuality.
Lastly, sex education is vital in that it teaches about the society and culture where the teens are made aware of their gender roles, sexuality in the media and diversity. In many parts of the globe, school teachers, government officials, and some parents are not convinced of the necessity for sex education and are against the idea of either introducing it to school or just talking about it to their children; this is because they believe that it promotes sexual activities among the youth. However, no study to date has cited any evidence that providing sex education and information has the potential to promote and increase sexual activity. Some may opt to drop out of schools, in some unfortunate circumstances others end up committing suicide due to depression. With sex education, it is very possible to change these negative attitudes about teenage pregnancies (Selman, Heather & Heather, 2015).
Adolescent pregnancies should be discouraged but in case of it happening there should be better options for the affected young individuals other than just dropping out of schools and doing other unspeakable things. Sex education focuses on providing necessary information to the teens about what to do in such situations. Teenagers have the opportunity of learning and understanding more on safe sex in sex education classes. Research suggests that teenagers as young as twelve in middle school are already experimenting with oral sex because they consider it to be less risky. Oral sex has become a trend among individuals in their teenage years. Out of ignorance, the same teenagers are getting involved in anal sex (Forsyth & Rogstad, 2015). This is a shocking fact as they believe that participating in the act is a way of preserving their virginity and staying safe at the same time.
Sex education teaches that sex is not just vaginal intercourse, and it distinguishes all the possible ways that the STDs can be transmitted from one individual to another. The internet is another unreliable source that provides sex-related information to the young people. The teens find it easy to surf the web as it takes just a click to go to site or website that contain sexual texts and pictures (Ferguson, Nielsen & Markey, 2016). Some of these messages come as adverts that are posted to the sites of the pages they are reading from. Some teenagers might stray easily to such websites and with knowing receive the wrong information about sex. There are age limits as restrictions to prevent younger teenagers from accessing sex scenes and information from television show and movies. Sex education educates teenagers how to protect themselves from HIV/AIDS, and that is very important for one to get their partner tested STDs before undergoing any sexual activity with them.
Sex education discourages the teens from taking part in any unprotected and unsafe sexual activities. Sex education plays another crucial role in protecting the teenagers. Many sexually abused teenagers do not have the courage or are ignorant of how to report their cases to the government authorities. Some have a wrongly placed shame, fear and guilt of being blamed that prevent them from confessing to parents or authority figures of what has cruelly been done to them (Coffee, Fenning & Wells, 2015). Sex education equips the children and teenagers with skills and information on how to avoid, prevent and protect themselves from sex abuse. Sexual abuse may not occur to every teen but should know where to look for help if they were victimized. Teenagers are taught to be well aware of sexual abuse.
It can be agreed upon and concluded that to reduce the number of child sexual abuse, the idea of introducing sex education in learning institutions is practical as teenagers would be able to learn about child abusers and sex abuse and they could reject such acts upon them. Sex education would be beneficial to the young individuals as they would be more informed about the present situation in today’s society and they would understand the steps to be taken if necessary (Coffee, Fenning & Wells, 2015). Some may find it hard to live with the changes as it’s a process that unique to every child. The changes may make some teens subjects of bullying and sexual abuse. Sex education helps the teens know how to live a healthy life despite the changes (Forsyth & Rogstad, 2015).
This education prepares children for all the uncertainties that may come with the change. Additionally, it teaches about the diseases and infections, teaches them how to control their emotions and sexual behaviors. The fact that sex education is not treated as one of the main courses but as an extracurricular one in many schools and the responsible authorizing body is not serious about it then it should not be expected that either the teachers or the teenagers will be serious about it. Another issue is that sex education in learning institutions may be at odds with the religious ideas (Forsyth & Rogstad, 2015). Unless these disparities are ironed out by the relevant authorities that are well aware of the two ideologies, sex education at school can confuse the students more. In conclusion, from the above-researched ideas, it is safe to say that’s ex-education for teenagers is highly encouraged on.
Sex education should be emphasized on more than the abstinence-only programs. Archives Of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 160(11), 1151. doi. org/10. archpedi. Booth, A. Nielsen, R. Markey, P. Does Sexy Media Promote Teen Sex? A Meta-Analytic and Methodological Review. Psychiatric Quarterly, 88(2), 349-358. doi. On Sex. New York: Zest Books. Measor, D. Measor, L. Miller, K. Sex Education, 16(4), 427-431. doi. org/10.
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